LifeEngine 3.0 has now been released and has tons of new features and changes to make this engine easier and better to use.
• Features Directx11 support instead of just Directx9.
• Upgraded graphics.
• Asset store.
• Basic visual scripting.
• Changed the open batch files into processes to detect if the game engine crashes.
• Comes with a web browser to open the asset store
• Upgraded the standalone builder to not require the exact project name anymore and finds it automatically.
• New Dark-Ui look instead of Light-Ui.
• Change Arial font to Segoe Ui font for a more modern look.
• Supports 3d model and animation imports through the advanced editor.
• Fixed some editor bugs
• You can now turn off and on the post-processing effect through the helper tool.
• Project builder is now less confusing and more user-friendly.
• Added the pro editor.
• Fixed major collision issues.
• Now supports normal maps and more.