1 year ago

Little oc lore story for my boy Thorne, he's a glitchtrap oc and as such, he's a cause for chaos.

Do note, I'm not good at writing for him specifically lol:


Fazbear Entertainment Incident Log: # 51AC6

Date of report: 06/24/2004

Full Name: Charles Tucker (witness, owner of the local Mighty Deals Pawn Shop)

Interviewer: Jamie Trevino (General Manager or the Fazbear Pizzaplex)

Incident: Unauthorized distribution of Fazbear Entertainment property, source was tracked down to a local pawn shop where the buyer had take the device home, detailed intreview logs below for hearing purposes.


Recording begins

Jamie: So, tell me what happened from the start. I want to know exactly what happened.

Jamie scooches close to the desk, the sound of the metal chair picking up.

Charlies: It was around about, 4 days ago? Had this guy come into the shop, not too good looking fella, I think he had some sort of leg problem. He was scrounging around for some tech to "play around with".

Jamie: And when he came into this shop, did he go right for the headset? And what was he going to do with your technology?

Charles: Hell if I know lady. All I know is, he picked through our phones and computers like a damn food critic picking for little Itty bitty wrong doings. Once he saw the headset, he grabbed it and went to go buy it from me.

Charles provides a receipt for the purchase, As Jamie notes down the rather cheap price.

Jamie: Do you know what happened after he bought the headset? Did he turn it on then and there?

Charles: Nah. He bought it and left, didn't hear from the guy for a while till I saw the news. Some battery leakage holy hell..that's when you guys found me and brought me in for questioning.

Jamie: Right, battery leakage. Did you know this headset was faulty and permeable to this amount of damage? Or were you looking to get some financial gain out of it?

Charles: If you're asking if I knew it was melt through his damn face I wouldn't have sold it!

Jamie: Calm down mister Tucker, I'm not throwing blame. We're trying to figure this out ourselves here. In the meantime, can you provide any more context on what happened?

The interview kept going for minutes, though the audio recording was noticeably full of static, Jamie however did not know this. A faint laugh is heard through the audio before the two conclude.

Recording end.



Autopsy done by Timothy Goldman

Date: 06/25/2004

Patient name: Tomas Jameson

Cause of Death: Advanced corrosion through the brain.

•Tomas was brought in after a local neighbor reported an extremely foul smell coming from the apartments down on 45th Drive, after numerous complaints an officer was sent to investigate. Units were called in after the discovery of Tomas's body was found on his cough, one of Fazbear's prototype virtual headsets seemingly attached to his head. After a few minutes of prying, officers were able to pull the headset off though to a horrifying sight: Tomas's full upper lobe and brain along with the front of the skull were completely eroded away by an unknown black substance, the smell alone was enough to damage the noses of the officers there. Careful extraction of whatever skull was left took several hours as despite the headset now being removed, the liquid was seemingly still active and eating away at the patient's skull. Fazbear Entertainment has been notified of the incident regarding the headset issue, though they have refused to comment. Tomas will need to be throughly examined by our chemical teams before we can properly place his body to rest.


WARNING: The following document is restricted to employees of the Fazbear Pizzaplex. Following any history recorded on your computer of access to this document, your job here will be terminated and a global-wide restriction to any Fazbear Entertaiment faculties will be in place.


Recovered body cam recorded by Security guard Christopher Tulpain.

Recording begin:

Christopher: Hello? Who's there? I can hear you in the vents!

Christopher is seen moving around frantically as several noises could be heard in the surrounding ventilation system.

Christopher: H-hey! Stop right there!

Video footage begins to become full of static and distortion, as two diamond shaped pupils were seen staring out of the vent, monitors nearby flickering with the same pupil as they leaked the same corrosive liquid found on Tomas' body.

Christopher: What the..what the hell are you...? Answer me! Gh..get back!

3 gunshots are heard before a faint scream, presumably Christopher's. A snap is heard as the camera falls down, revealing the large rabbit-like creature made of the same ooze holding Christopher's dead body. It peers into the camera, seeming to know it was watched as a malevolent grin forms on its face.

???: ..you..may call..me..Thorne..

The figure drags Christopher towards a monitor, seemingly pulling him through as the video feed cuts out.

Recording end.

Re: investigate the security systems ASAP.

Do not tell the employees what is going on, whatever that..THING is, it's crawling around the security system and causing chaos and disruptions all over the Plex. If an employee askes what's going on, tell them it's just a technical error. If anyone goes missing, provide a false narrative that they have gone on vacations or have gone to do other things. Lord knows if this thing got out to the public, if it hasn't already. Keep an eye out for this "Thorne" thing as it calls itself, and keep an eye on the costume department. Take note of any new suits that seem to have a ooze on them, or if they seemingly have a pure black interior. Notably keep an eye out for a beige rabbit suit with goggle lenses for eyes and a red vest. We've lost too many employees as is to this...thing absorbing them and corroding them away.




Next up


Poor Synapse was taken over by the Solver and assimilated Virulence into his body. He's quite long in this form lol

Some doodles I did of Techa, with him being made of Techrot he's an interesting fella.

1st doodle is of him listening to On-Lyne

2nd is of the carious ways he attacks (in order: Quills from mouth, corruption weapons, larval stage)

And 3rd is just weapons

Tonight's preformance: a tale as old as time...

Who wants their character drawn ??

New oc! Check the article for him.

-Happy Women’s Day-

-- Genderswapped: Dan, Elkasaca & Kilonukas --

Meet the new and improved Techa, affected by the Techrot this time around instead of the Technocyte! (He's a Vulpaphyla)

He has a bit of a punk attitude, his previous clothes and earrings merged and melded into his body via the Techrot assimilation.

He's just a preformin' guy! I would have had the puppet be someone's Dyno for a little show but I got a little lazy lol

Got bored so I drew Alice and Skip.

Diabolo and Fuuhl present: A fiery preformance!

Fuuhl belongs to @Pail-The-Puppet-Fool