Perry's Dungeon

5 years ago

Look out! It's..... MOVING WATER 0W0

(still requiring a shader / texture :P)



Next up

Finally got a move script going. This has double jump and running along with a three second stamina. There's a little lag that spikes here and there, probably due to so many 'Time.deltaTime's running. I'll try and fix it a bit later on. Here's the script:

working on some low-poly character rigging:

earlier, I was using a 'player.transform' in my movement script

trying to make everything a bit more fluid, I updated it to work with rigidbody.velocity. It took a while to figure out, but, now, it's got a greater variety of capabilities :)

the movement script isn't right, but the camera's working!

Here are some earlier photos of the tutorial level before it got a sky :3

Arm can now hold cube. Now, we need to increase its spin and yeet this outta existence

here's the camera script and what got changed on the movement script

(if you use it, make sure to have a parent object with a camera child, and a parent player object with a player child. use a character controller)

trying to make a jump script, forgot to implement gravity :0

Here's Florrel! (left is what she use to look like :D)

walking animation done ;P