25 days ago

Made this glowy jungle with nightcafe, I find the atmosphere really good



Next up

Today, I've made a few space related neon sprites for my game !

Bon "1er Mai" pour les français !

Improved the lisibity of the game while in the dark (which is not an easy task ahah).

Now, the ladders will display some simple particles which will make them visible in the dark !

#indie #unity #partygame

Paper Mario TTYD doodles to get a hang of the characters

Let’s Go!!

Little house

Try to stay in the darkness away from those firefly in this map !

#IndieDev #IndieGameDev #LocalMultiplayer #Darkness #Gamer #LevelDesign #Firefly

Making a videogame is a very complete task ahah, I am learning a lot about sound effects !

Soo I did a little drawin of a Hoshposh Design I own at school! I love her so muchhh (I dont have much to post today so Im sorry gang 💀)

The game will embrace a neon artistic style with light variations depending on the maps

#neon #indie #partygame