1 year ago

making a game called octoplush nights off

a fnaf horror game with 3d model and good very good and not like any fnaf games but like a game with good horror style and very scary :) trust me you wont miss it

you know your boy makes good games

read article

i want to make it clear that i do not hate anyone who supports isreal but if you dont agreed what i said in the end outro then please leave because as an muslim i kindly dont want to fight or have an debate so i dont care what you people that cant justify or idk but blaming palestine or whatever... just understand in this world you have your own opinion and i have my own so you cant cancel me or report me because it just shows how stupid you are reading or watching only to get offended but in the video i meant to say is that hope there is peace :)

im a very good man and i dont want people dying so as a content creator + developer i want palestine to live and i dont want jews dying too but i dont want isreal creating a big chaos whatever the prime minister do

all im saying is that i love my followers if one of you are from isreal dont worry i respect your opinion and that does not mean i hate people but hate on leaders that ruin our world :(

imagine if the world was united or just humans like humans

a world where its just freely we can go around without wars or passport or i might be wrong but im crazy hahahaha

i love you my followers so dont hate me, lets bring peace maybe it wont happen but.... same day it will


here its a gift for my all followers and its a man male emoji :)

i love you all lets hope nothing really bad happens :)

remember that people in social media have feelings and i know that i dont want to hurt feelings of other people

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Who the hell is mandy bro...

I added something special for the dialogue every time when you click next. I will come back posting more update about the project :).

I have added this feature to the game yay!

Now the only last thing for me to do is writing the story.

Ok... so I made the text a little darker for the game, and I'm taking a break. I'll be back making some GUI customization.

I hope this game is going to be COOL!!!! :D.

Comment if I should add gallery section, you know like those renpy games?

FR: Des cadres pour avatar sont disponibles en magasin. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et faites passer le message ! ;)

EN: Avatar frames are available in the shop. Tell me what you think about it and pass the message on ! ;)

=> https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem/shop

Some few sneak a peak of my game .

I think ima add gallery menu in the game right now!!!

Sorry if my art looks a bit basic , but in the future I'll improve the game.

FR: Ce que vous voyez est ce que j'ai texturé jusqu'à présent. :)

EN: What you're seeing is what I have textured so far. :)

Pour / For: @Ra4ok_Dev

Dessin par / Drawing by: @BonnieBonzo

I did everything I could to make the game look more better.

This is enough to change the sprites/arts I think?

Now I'll take a break and watch some YouTube videos

Today was great 👍

How's your day?

FR: J'ai maintenant une chaîne Rumble. Privilégiez-la à la place de YouTube pour voir mes vidéos. (Lisez l'article) ;)

EN: I have now a Rumble account. Choose it instead of YouTube to watch my videos. (Read the article) ;)

=> https://rumble.com/user/AntoineVanGeyseghem

I think this looks way better :D.