
1 month ago

managed to finish a few OST pieces for TOREADOR because i didnt want to work on the programming and modeling for a bit... i wont be posting the songs until i've implemented them into the game so that i know they will be used... but here's some screenies..



Next up

i do rather miss the thrills of having to work around scratch's limits, but i do also appreciate the ability to design for an aspect ratio that is not 4:3. still, roblox studio has limits of its own that i have to work around, but i am willing to learn...

TOREADOR celebrates the (now 12) follower milestone! :D thanks to all who has been with this game, either from the beginning or just now, following or not, even those that took a quick look at the game and decided its not for them, to you all i thank!! :D

The main menu theme for TOREADOR is now available for all to hear! Listen to it on GameJolt or on my extras YouTube Channel, both linked in the article.

this is the start of something new (now let's hope i actually finish it)

(also the logo/title is a work in progress, so who knows?)

this is the first time im announcing something before i make it, usually i make the game first and then announce it

the doors finally work, this will be one of the views out of the room and now with this barrier out of the way, i can continue with other important things like camera control and animation (amongst other things). enjoy this 17-second demo of door sillies.

overhauled the UI and also added camerawork, this is by far the biggest leap in quality with the least amount of effort done! i will redo the animations going to and from the doors, but other than that, the room is ready for decorating!

making a few UI mockups for the main menu because i am not feeling like working on gameloop stuff today (perhaps tomorrow shall be different) here's the main menu, everything here is subject to change so dont get too attached lmao

it gets quite cold down there in that basement... you can make use of this heater but i'm not sure how much load your house's power system can take before breaking something somewhere... regardless... hypothermia isn't such a good thing either

im going to be completely honest with you this is NOT how doors are supposed to open (why does rotating a particular object ignore its pivoting point???)

Tor the Bull is now finished! it's now time to move onto the main play area!

if you haven't done so yet, please make sure to follow this game! expect to see some fun things :)

(followers will be given a shout-out in the credits sequence of the game!!!!!!)