3 months ago


massive vent post

tw: self harm, abuse, transphobia, etc

the ones saying "To [Vevi (Bar owner)]" is me speaking

the ones that just say [Vevi (Bar owner)] is my friend

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: can i vent rq ? i just needa get this off my chest

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: yes

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: after my dad and sister found out about the whole trans shit and polyamorous crap- i've attempted.. 2 times now ? its been pretty snowy here in erie, so i took that as an advantage.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i never told you or tim

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: just so there were no concerns about my health

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: or mentality for that matter.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: it sounds so.. cringy.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: specially with me being a minor.

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: I've been where you have tbh

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: just. less with family more with toxic relationships

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: this shit just sucks. my family is unsupportive, my moms dying, my grandmas dying slowly, my health is declining,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: hell, i've been throwing up more than even eating food itself.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i cant even finish a meal without instantly throwing it up all because i trained my body to do so.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i'm too insecure to go outside, and the times i do ? i'm just miserable.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i look like a pig.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i struggle with social interaction constantly

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: so i resort to online.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: where people can relate or even befriend me

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: but it just hurts me more.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i saw three of my friends kill themselves all because of drama,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: harassment,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: etc, etc.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: doesn't help that i might be in the same zone too.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i sat in the snow for a good three hours

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: only hoodie and jeans

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: and to add the cherry on top,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i'm afraid of losing tim.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i dont want him to hate me or think i'm a fucking weirdo

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: enough people think that already

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: you are a weirdo. but a goodone

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: lol

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: everyone is a little weird kasper

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i just dont want him thinking i'm obsessive. i stay up for all of my friends

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i once slept in vr with a friend who was sick

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: all because they needed that comfort.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i wanted to do the same for tim

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: since i'm used to it at this point.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: but it resorted in me sounding bitchy or "PlEaSE i"M sOrRRrY"

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i dont try to sound obsessive or overprotective. but if anyone i love or care for is struggling,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i will do WHATEVER

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: and i mean whatever

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: it takes to make sure they're okay

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: even if that means i have to stay up all night just to know they're okay.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i probably wont even sleep after i get off

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i'm just not tired.

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: just try your hardest

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i do

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i swear i do

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i honestly try my hardest to atleast sleep a bit, but its only about 20 minutes

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: stress overwhelms me,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: even in sleep

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: so it wakes me up and panics me

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: so then i have to take my pills and try allllll over again.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: its.. pathetic, really. i do this daily, and no wonder my mentality and health is so bad.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i mean, who would wanna date a fucking mental bitch. i wouldnt wanna date myself

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: I would.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: no comment. ( not tryna be rude )

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: I know

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: I'm just honest like you.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: another thing too is just- struggling in general. i can even get out of bed when i do get the sleep i need

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: all because my body is just

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: idk.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: i feel weak most mornings bc i either cry at night or i end up staying up

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: either it be schoolwork, friends, family,

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: or just staying up bc of stress.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: again, its pathetic- and i would NOT recommend my lifestyle lmao.

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: its trashy asff

To [Vevi (Bar owner)]: other than that, thats about all i have to say.

[Vevi (Bar owner)] whispers: I've lived it.



Next up

maybe im js overreacting but.. ive been staring at this for almost an hour now and crying my eyes out. for context, this is in alex's bio. my @ used to be in this spot before i requested it to be removed. and seeing that being the replacement ..?

drew chance for the first time ! this is also my first time using the lasso brush tool.

yes, the hat is small... and i didnt bother drawing his arms or legs bc ididnt feel like it-

#forsaken #roblox #chance #fanart

FUCK YOU (had to blur out the stuff w/ my schools name in it gyyuulpp)

!!! DNI LIST !!!

Read the article.

btw pls go report this person He said a slur he cannot reclaim towards my good friend stixel pls and ty


doodled this w/ my drawing pad,, he sounds like a microwave when he cries

this is actually peak