UNDERTALE: The Final Run
3 years ago

May-June Devlog:
Change of engines in the overworld, new musicians, new style, reworked menu and intro, and a new boss in version 0.4.8 for beta testers: UNDYNE THE UNDYING!

Hello there!

Long time no see.

So, before we start the actual devlog, let me just inform you about my life in the past 2 months:
I was caught in a war between Israel and Gaza, I had the hardest time in school I ever had, I worked even until today to even be here and post this devlog, and I really do hope that the news I'm bringing will give a new look on this au.
So yeah, here I am. I'm completely ok, but I'm very tired, because we have been working on this devlog for A LONG time, including me. So, yeah. it's finally here. without any more interruptions: LET'S BEGIN!

New overworld engine: made by @errorcezar and krillin.


They have improved the text system, added the classic overworld menu, and worked on a new collision system, a lot lighter then our previous engine, which will allow us to make maps a lot faster and easier.

new musicians: 2 new musicians joined the team: snowy(undyne+asgore theme) and aleccio (secret theme)

Reworked Menu and intro!


We have decided that the menu and the intro both needed to get some improvements, so we added some cool adjustments, achievements system and graphical changes to both of them, with the intro being planned to being improved even further then it is now. (The new art is being made by @NitrodeZ ).



along with version 0.4.8, comes the rarely used in undertale fangames character: UNDYNE, which will, of course, will have a following story line which will include 2 endings, both in genocide, both of them unique, hard and very interesting. what will you choose.... FIGHT or maybe... FLEE?
it's up to you to decide her final fate in this newly formed run.
(sprite creator: December, contributor)

Small adjustments, Bug fixes:
- final update has been made to papyrus's encounter: you can now no hit the battle, and bones now have a unique movement of their own!
- hp bar will now go more smoothly up and down, either when you heal or take damage, to give a more refreshing touch for undertale-classic lovers, and more aesthetic look.


- another update to the game over screen: heart will now break to multiple parts, memory images' movement has been fixed, better timed text.


So here we are. reached once again to the end of the devlog, though we still didn't even start our journey. Don't worry, stay patient, and in due time...
You will have your chance to play your final run, and manipulate the world you so admire, once, last, time.


(in the meantime, Join our discord server, will you? It's so quite there, even though I'm posting there a lot often then here: https://discord.gg/6njgxaDdtn)

one more thing, we have already posted 2 soundtracks of final run's ost in the official soundcloud page, make sure to check them out if you didn't!

cya call very soon guys!



Next up

Undertale: The Final Run- chapter 1's first ever devlog is here!

An XP grinding system, 2 previews of the main battles, new engines, remade story, original tracks and OST video!

Now, let's dive in!

Undertale: The Final Run - Chapter 1

February 2024 update


Hi there! It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?

We’re excited to finally bring you all some news about Final Run. We have a lot of new ground to cover, so strap in and prepare yourselves for some exciting news!


Ah yes, we're still pretty much alive and well. About that devlog- it's coming...

rumors say pepsicat has regained his motivation so you may expect it to be out soon. For now, join the discord server for more previews: https://discord.gg/x4xVcY35YZ

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

Happy father's day


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


I was bored, so... ManutKat.