So I just finished the mechanics test demo, which is the part of development where I have finished working and testing the current mechanics. These mechanics for Night 1 work pretty well, though a bug or two might slip through to the public demo. I just have to rig up the sounds with the game, and add a couple extra goodies. Then you guys will get a demo, and I will finally put up the game page for The Horde 2 as well. I hope to see you guys in the Night 1 demo, the only demo before the final release of the game. I will give you guys a hint towards finding an easter egg: Hover over a poster of a grayscale item, and press âFâ. I will post another screenshot involving this item at a later time, so that finding it and activating the secret is easier.
Next up
Here's another one of the tip pages, to show that I'm not ded lmao:
Some preview screenshots of how the hints system will LIKELY look in game. There's also a setting to disable the hints entirely, but they'll be enabled on a fresh save. (Or if the save-data Difficulty parameter is 0, which is the same as a fresh save.)
Cik Bukkit Kross 2017 Horde 3 moment REEL FOUN PIKCTURE HOLE CRAEP!! KROES SEGPONY REEL!!!!
Progress... Visual effects, some camera effect reworks, lighting tweaks, and Springlock Lucifus jumpscare implemented. New jumpscare sounds for Prototypes (basement), as well as Maskman and Metal Maskman.
Release Candidate 1 of the new update has been publicly released. Merry late Christmas, I decided to release what I have at the moment for people to play, and there's a questionnaire link below to suggest changes.
I've released a demo showcasing a bunch of proposed changes for the updated version of the game; namely a complete overhaul of the heating mechanic. There's also a Google Form for after you play the demo build, to give feedback.