After Hours at Raichu's [Non-Profit Fan game]

5 months ago

merry christmas... and happy 2nd anniversary, AHaR!

more in article.

hello ladies and gentlemen, paul here.

sorry I couldn't get v1.5 out this year, if I get motivated again I'll try to finish and have it out sometime early next year. in the meantime, I'll be posting what else I've updated for it - I'll start of with a revamped main menu. I've replaced the instruction manual with a tutorial screen which has less-confusing tips on how to deal with the characters. I still gotta update the art for raichu in the background, however.

so yeah, I'm going to try and get this update over and done with because there's another project I want to get to work on. keep an eye out for further information

that's all, see you around - paul



Next up

sonic advance 1's ending image but with the classic designs

I haven't drawn anything in my sketchbook in a month so I did this. it's a rough drawing which I'll improvise when I digitise it. might be for a thing I'm working on, who knows?

soooo I've finished the revamped look of pichu's stage, here's what it looks like in game. I still gotta redraw the images for pichu looking/coming out from the curtains though but the one where it's closed is done so there's that covered, more to come

I might not post that much of the update's progress as I wanna let all of you find out some stuff for yourself when it releases.

for now have a w.i.p. of the parts/service redesign...ish


Owo what's this??

a preview of v1.5's main gameplay + new discord soon?

more in article below

Company Notice

sonic advance... on the master system???

I made this mockup thing last night, I plan on making it into a game at some point but I dunno.

everything you see here except the sonic sprite was made by me


also tomorrow I'll be turning 19. I wanted to get the update done and out by then but I got carried away with some other things, I promise that it'll be out next month so don't ya worry!

OH MY GAH! The Demo Version of Night at Nuggit's IS NOW AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD!!! Enjoy, and hopefully this gets you excited for the full release!

#fnaf #fangame #chiknnuggit

johto town/city themes from gold, silver and crystal, in neo geo pocket style. I have not done any pokémon music in other game systems' styles in a long while, so here ya go! lol

youtube version:

made using furnace tracker