Hello, once again, to this month's Devlog! I am sorry to say that yet again, we do not have very much to show, but we do have a lot of background progress having gone on this last busy month.
TE! UTG's Anniversary
A date that we had all forgotten was the 1 Year Anniversary of Team Eccentric! Undertale Green being on GameJolt! While of course the game was being developed a bit before then, the 'Birthday' of the game can be considered the 22nd of September.
While we forgot to mention it (with Undertale's anniversary being only days before and the business of this month), we hope that by remembering it now will more then make up for it.
Script Work
So a behind the scenes thing which at first may not so very big was the redrafting and editing of the previous script we had for the earlier moments of the game. The section of the story, including the Ruins, have been written in a way we can comfortably work from. By outlining what we need to bring each room by room to fulfilment will allow our organisation to grow.
There has also been a lot of help from the team to perfect the lines of certain text, so the meanings are clearer then they were originally. Such as in a small thing I may tease here, to spice up this mini-devlog:
‘Pst! Hey, you! Down here. Yeah this talking rock....'
Team Member of the Month
For this month, an original team member, who while not always able to interact with team developments, proves a valuable encourager and one to converse with about the progress of the game. Pudding of Rice is this month's Team Member of the Month.
So while we would have liked to show off a lot more, this last month has proven a stump on most developments as one would expect. With many going back to school or jobs, or just busy with personal life, it can be hard to find the time to work on projects. However, for the most part, the team manages to find some time to talk together and sort things out. Hopefully in the near future, we will be able to make much bigger devlogs packed with more exciting news, but for the moment, why not look back through the devlogs back to our first, to honour what we have achieved in the span of a year.
And now, as always, keep showing Kindness and stay Determined!