Five Golden Nights At Freddy's 3
2 years ago

Minor Patch: v1.0.3

- The shimmering light effect is now slightly larger, easier to see.

- Fix issue with Foxy not being able to jump you if not looked at during the first office area.



Next up

The progress of the game is coming along nicely.

maybe 30-40% completed, gameplay wise. Every time I add something new or change something it needs to be tested (for bugs & difficulty etc)

Stay tuned for more updates!

Hayami-Chan with a somewhat new look, wooooooh!!

and yes, Hayami-chan were always suppose to be like a Maid-ish kind of character lol.

my character Hayami-Chan will appear in the game, kinda like an easter egg. Why? because she's amazing.

the screenshot is a bit outdated tho, I've changed the map on the wall a bit & added more progression stuff to the "8-bit" section.

Working on an in-game achievements menu for the Hayami game, I've also updated the font for the options menu.

Not really a redesign, mostly me finishing the current design of her.

The all new Oni Gang

based on the Japanese Oni

Hayami-Chan x Tomomi


●Move the camera (& character in the 8bit areas) with the arrows in the top corners. ●Tap on the doors etc when the player stands in front of them.

●Foxy has his own button in the final office.

Report game breaking bugs!

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