mock-up screeny - here come dat' boi, gotta jump high, highest thing alive.
Next up
Short little clip of a battle test - background art is still to be customized and thus subject of change - the rest is hand made and, finally, quite well balanced. Tatara provided such cute animation images for the special hits.
hey guys~! anyone looking for an unconventional dungeon crawler, kinda kinky but still somewhat tame and sweet? https://gamejolt.com/games/Girlsanddungeons2/323259
a little late for #Halloween but - who would have though, this spooky fella can be found somewhere in Milky Monogatari... It's... Lanternhead.
The ninth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @thechadnicosus !
Enter by completing this quest: https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway
We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯
mockup screeny - here come dat' boi, gotta jump high!
Wanna win 1,000 Joltbux? 💸
We extended the quest to wishlist INAYAH - Life After Gods on Steam and giving you more chances to win! https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway
You have until March 3rd. We'll pick a winner each day the quest is active! 🤯
The mysterious Raxolotl twins from Milky Monogatari are two bewildering demigod-like entities. ...Wait - does that mean challenging both of them simultaneously is the same as fighting an actual god?
Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!
The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game: https://bit.ly/playwarthundergj
Thank you to everyone who entered!
some of the happy lil' monsters of our new game project~