Star Story
8 years ago

Monthly Update 16.05.27

Monthly Update 16.05.27

A lot has been done. But I must be careful what to tell you now as spoilers are bound to happen, so I must be careful what I write here.

I’ll reveal one, but only read it if you want to know it. I used the ‘spoiler’ area for a reason ;)


As a cameo to the Secrets of Dyrt you can find if you search well the way to
PHANTASAR!! (Yeah, wormholes going through time and space. Sci-fi has done crazier things).
Some playable characters from Dyrt like Scyndi and Irravonia can be found here.
A few typical things from Dyrt like the combat music, random encounters in stead of enemies walking over the screen, shopping with Shilders in stead of Aurinas and Credits it’s all there. Of course, in Dyrt we assumed Scyndi, Eric, Irravonia and the others spoke English, but the truth is that they speak their own language (which has its own script, vocabulary AND grammar. It’s a fully worked out actual language). Wendicka and her friends will need to find a way to learn this language if they want to communicate with the people here.
Some very cool items can only be found here, so it is worth the trouble to take a look here.

Of course, this is the only secret I’ll reveal.

I have been working out the world of Nizozemska. After you settle your affairs there, there are only two more missions in the main quest to fulfil until you meet the final boss. In other words, the game is slowly getting near completion, but I still have a lot of stuff to be done.

  • There are at least 2 sidequests planned (not counting the stuff I mentioned in the spoiler).

  • I still have some status changes to properly take care off.

  • The plan is now that the game will support a New Game+ in which all enemies are much stronger but:

    • You will be allowed to transfer your characters with all their levels and upgrades

    • Level cap raised

    • New items

    • Weapon upgrade cap raised (not counting Crystal’s ARMS).

That New Game + thing is not yet 100% sure, but it’s the plan, and that can provide me some extra work.


In the first weeks of June it’s however first planned to complete BallPlay Cupid. That game is already in the beta, and I want it out of the beta. I must place Star Story onto hold for this, however I hope I can get that all done in a week, but when there are too many setbacks take longer.

I also need to note that some bad stuff happened in my private situation. I hope this will not affect the games, but a slowdown can happen. Things are in control for now though. And no sorry, I will not go into full detail about what exactly happened.

And that’s all for now, folks!
I’m working as hard as I can. Despite the end slowly getting near I cannot yet predict an ETA for the beta. Hang on, folks!



Next up

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