Star Story
9 years ago

Monthly Update

Monthly Update

It’s March already, and time for the monthly update.

There’s a lot I’ve done the past month, however there’s little I can say about it, as I’ve most of all been adding content, and I’ve come to a point that a lot of things I’ve done will spoil the story if I told you about it now.

Still I’d like to introduce you to Susan McLeod, nicknamed Sue.


Sue will NOT be a playable character, but despite all that her presence is VITAL to the story line. Sue is a very enthusiastic girl and always very extremely cheerful. Sue loves everybody and everybody loves Sue. She can cheer up just everybody.
Sue lives with her father Marlon on the planet of Nizozemska, where she and her boy-friend Rolf help him to run a little garden and the shop where the harvest of that garden is sold. Sue is bilingual and is fluent in both English and Dutch and therefore she tries to teach her father Dutch and her boy-friend English.

When Sue is angry she is downright scary, however Sue just cannot be angry for long. She may scold you at this very moment now (and for good reasons), and be making you an apple pie only 5 minutes later.

And then some less fun news.

At this moment the development of Star Story is temporarily suspended. I will continue the development as soon as I can, but I also have a life outside of game development and then you get to a point that you must put on priorities.

  • First of all, a break every now and then never hurts. Breaks are essential in a project like this.

  • My contracts with my old novel publisher will expire this month. My books are about to move to a new publisher very soon. I expect this transfer will get me A LOT of work.

  • Not only that, but my new publisher might get me some good possibilities to (finally) sell my books INTERNATIONALLY. So I may need to get into translating to English very soon. My novels are all part of The Phantasar Chronicles, and so is my RPG game The Secrets of Dyrt. Whenever something happens in the release of my stuff I shall announce it in the news of that game, so follow “The Secrets of Dyrt” when you are interested in my novels.

  • I’m also a Eurovision-junkie, and the Eurovision time has begun. This is only once a year, so cut me some slack will ya. :-P

Don’t worry, I said it before and I’ll say it again, the project is NOT cancelled, it’s only on a temporary delay. ALL games I ever released have gone through this, and they are all finished now, so you see I’ve always been true to my word on this one.


Star Story, the novel

Yes, it’s gonna be there. In fact, I already completed the Dutch script for that before I even STARTED on the game of Star Story. The novel is planned to be released around the same time the game is released, however it still needs to be translated to English. I hope I can use the upcoming time for that. The novel will follow the same synopsis as the game, however lots of things in the novel will be fundamentally different. This was a choice, as putting a novel into a game doesn’t work, and vice versa won’t work either.


And that is the situation as it stands now. See you on the next monthly update.
You can still try the demo and if you encounter any bugs please hop over to my Issue Tracker and report them. Please note, some bugs you may find in the current demo might already be fixed in the current development version, so search the closed issues too to make sure you don’t have any duplicates. ;)

And that’s all for now folks. See ya ;)



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