1 month ago

Multiverse Of Dead community is now real!!!!!

Here: https://gamejolt.com/c/MoDOfficial-eivrfm



Next up

He's so beautiful!!!


Requested by @Manic0626


Requested by @Agatheine

Meet Caesar✨

A beast hunter in the world of Nowhere. He is also Siniy's older brother.

(Lore in the article)

What is the most recent song you listened to?

New Siniy design!

The only thing I did is change the color of her shirt to a more pastel color. You know, for lore stuff and that...

Please someone remind me the name of this goober

Siniy in Abbacchio's outfit

(I haven't drawn a girl in a long time)

Jack o Lyre🔥

(Dyno by @Dynocation )