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New Siniy design!

The only thing I did is change the color of her shirt to a more pastel color. You know, for lore stuff and that...

Multiverse Of Dead community is now real!!!!!


Welcome to the Multiverse Of Dead Official Community community on Game Jolt!

This community is exclusively based on the Comics series, Multiverse Of Dead, created by @Leo-Art , So don't post anything unrelated to the main topic here.

But what is Multiverse Of Dead?

Multiverse Of Dead is a series of short or long comics created by Leonardo Aguilar(@Leo-Art ), Which focuses on showing a society made up of different people from different universes, with one problem or another.

This community, like many other ones, has rules! And they must be followed to the letter to achieve a more orderly and respectable society.

  1. Don't post anything outside the main topic. If you do, your post will be removed from the community.

  2. Post in the right channel. If you don't do this your post will be moved to the corresponding channel.

  3. No +18 and vulgar/offensive content. This could cause us to ban you from the community!

  4. Don't spam! If you do(Whether in post comments, posting things in a very short time or pinning someone many times) your posts will be deleted from the community.

  5. Don't ask for Featured. The Featured is only awarded to posts that we really liked, so don't desperately ask us to give it to you.

  6. Don't ask to be a moderator. @Leo-Art is the one who will choose the moderators, so don't ask to be one.

@Leo-Art owner
Report A community for 20 days