2 months ago

My cat got hit by a car today

She didn't make it

R.I.P sjaakie

My cat got hit by a car today

She didn't make it

R.I.P sjaakie

And for godsake, drive slower cause i will fucking kill anyone how doesn't fucking stop when you hit someone's family pet

P.s i hope the one who hit her and drove away dies a painfull death and will lay awake from guilt ,fuck you you took someone's family away!!!



Next up

Almost done with my cooking class so tired man 😖😫

was bored made this bye

Pov you wake up in a fantasy world, get called 'the chosen one' -_- get forced to save a prince ,pissed off a dragon ,while confusing everyone with memes and lingo (i got bored and made this up tell me if i should do more?)

tiny doodles: lil astronaut

Original Image

: Aseprite

my hazbin oc

I found this

This is her son Rico

Nicknamed ricardo he's my baby boy

Some pages of my vent book i guess..