18 days ago

My decision....

So I made my decision if I should leave or stay, and here's my decision.

I will be leaving

Yeah, this may sadden you guys, but due to this shit that has happened to me, I am officially gonna leave, like I miss the old days were firesides were still on Gamejolt and everything were not bad, but it's time for me to go

I am 13 years old, and I was an idiot, I feel guilty for what I have done in the past and today, were a drama happened, which I already explained, I've been stuck in this troll loop for days and months now, and I suffered from it too much now,

I take back all the things I done today, and I was worrying for days now that this keeps continuing due to the amount of anger and sadness I have

And if anyone feels a pity or feel bad, I don't expect that, but it's your choice, and I really need a Therapist/Psychologist, but they charge money, but whenever my family has enough money, they might give me a therapy, and I'll talk with my therapist if I should get better, but for now, I'll go do better in irl for days

So I'll be leaving and I might come back when I'm ready, I just can't take this anymore, all I feel in the Dormitabis and TRTF community is Rage, disappointment, sadness, etc, I planned my TRTF remakes that I'll make, but since this happened, I don't feel good or well at all, I want to make myself better, I want to make myself happy and be motivated to do crap.

I miss everything in this site, like Firesides, TRTF mockingbird, Freddy's emporium by Mortuss, Fangame direct crap, etc, nothing is the same anymore, all there is just dramas and NFTS on GJ, but idk if the NFTS is the way to get gamejolt more money to bring back the firesides but who knows.

Anyway yeah if I do come back, I won't be like this anymore, and I'll try to act better, but for now, I'll focus on some stuff and I'll return probably a day later or a week, but I'll go focus on some stuff, anyway if things will go better for me when I come back, I'll try to not take jokes too seriously, try to redeem myself/change/be a better person, I'll act mature, etc, but yeah that's all guys...

Thanks for everything and I'll see y'all in the flipside.

-Super Massacre guy 69



Next up

Yeah I wanted to redo the head since I wasn't satisfied with the old head at all, anyway, here's the updated head for Freddy

Havoc Chica when she remembers of what Garvey did to her back then:

Model by SuperArthurbros and released by Owni/Ownetrick

Am I the only one who thinks that Beta Havoc Freddy's textures are better than the final version of Havoc Freddy?


Asked AI to draw Garvey Write from Dormitabis and.................Idk what to say but what the hell is this

Company Notice

Alright here's my 2015 styled Freddy model I made!

The Chad Garvey vs The Virgin Garvey

Every shadow is a caution.

KSI plays Dormitabis night 10 and instantly screams at the end