6 months ago

My family actually knows I’m like making drawings for other people, and they actually find it pretty cool that I’m doin it, even my older brother is actually pretty intrigued



Next up

This was mostly an experiment/test thingie

Ok good news and news

Guess who made it before Beef Boss, and what I had for dinner back on the island lol

Benjiro (aka @BenjiroBoi ) gets very angry and becomes SSJ2, at last... at last Benjiro's fury exceeds its bounds?

Blue Spheres

My last drawing for now, here’s Chai! I freaking nailed it on this one, still needed to work on the arms. I guess now I can finally rest.

@BenjiroBoi for making Chai, probably one of my favorites. ☕️

Chai in different brushes, just was testing something


Apparently @TuxedoPig REALLY likes hot dogs, good to know

When he said that he’s been in the navy, the first thing that popped up in my mind was Top Gun. ._.


! Breaking News !

Benjiro has learned how to do a spindash