26 days ago

my first legitimate FC in, well, forever

this is also filler, but it's more of an achievement if anything



Next up

How do I get good at hmcs I keep dying on expert,,,

wuthering waves, everybody

Complete the "What Game Have You Replayed the Most?" quest and you'll get a Welcome to Game Jolt reward pack!

I've ascended to yet another level of saberhood

also have my arm for no reason at all

We have a question and we wanna know: Who's your favorite gaming mascot? Complete the quest and you'll get stickers of Gaming Mascots!

I started playing osu!mania recently so now there's THREE games I make content out of

I currently suck, so that's why I didn't put much effort in the recording and editing (which doesn't exist) process

I was tryna show @LandonTDevil what I would use practice mode for, and I accidentally summoned a new PB for a song I'm attempting to clear

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Street Fighter!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Street Fighter pack!

Forgot to make content again sorry