Seven Nights At Superbonnies REMADE

7 months ago

My guy done got a torso, anyways the torso for the new SNAS R Superbonnie model is complete. No I don't have the endo under it yet. I have been pretty busy with some irl things. Anyways thats all for today.



Next up

From what it looks like you guys want me to keep the already made model. But I can still use the drawn version for posters and stuff. All characters already have a drawn version so I don't need to make drawn versions for each characters :)

I got the head done for the new SNAS R Superbonnie model, It looks way better and it fits with Buddi's design more. Thats all for today.

Seven Nights At Superbonnies R

Totally real demo out now! :D

Go play it!


Here is the menu preview for SNAS R!

This is what I planned on showing earlier today but I got busy.

Work In Progress. (Read article)

The SNAS R Superbonnie model remake is coming along nicely. The endo torso has been finished and is under the torso, the arms has also been made besides the shading for them. So pretty much I need to make the hands, legs, and feet. This is all for now. :)

Im still alive, I just haven't been active much on GJ or any platform for that matter besides steam.

I will let yall know that I am trying my best to keep up with SNAS R but with lack of motivation, it might be awhile. + I got to study for a certifaction.

New Thumbnail!

Been workin hard and completed a demo for yall!!

Just doin some finishing touches but it is scheduled to release around 11:30 AM EST!

See yall there! :)