1 month ago

My laptop charger has broken so no more digital art until I buy a new one, Yay! Take these in the time being



Next up

Quick re-design of some charater I made a while back

So, uhhh. I re designed my sona! It's like half finished but ima make a full ref soon

Quick little sketch

made a silly ._.

I found this sergal I made like a year ago, so I had to draw him again. :)

My Airplane Dragon, HUNT3R :]] He is based of a Sukhoi SU-30 which is my fave plane to fly in flight sims. :]

the symbol on his wing is also on another of my characters, see if u can remember which >:]

Six little dudes I just drew up. Might scan then onto my laptop to colour them tomorrow.

Quick sketch I made at school today

work in progress a profile pic for my discord XDD

Quick sketch of my sona