2 months ago


The koala is Shamila, a bartender

And the Fox Wolf hybrid is Nelson :D

Shamila is a strong woman, so don't try to being a bitch to her, or she will make you regret. >:(




Next up

I'm sorry, but as soon as I saw this series, I had to make a fanart

It's so silly, crazy xDDD

It's on TikTok, the name of this series is Danny Smoke In Furryland


This is our stinking tiger UwU

I love Charles, It had a lot of old design...

In any case, very proud of this drawing, for the light and all

#CYHM #CanYouHuntMe

Some doodles I just did.

The two first drawing is my OC

And the last is not my OC (RickyAnimations) on YT (The link in article)

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

🥴 Not sorry (Old Drawing lul, so much mistake 💀) based on this meme/Fanart lol =>

#PerfectCrootox #PC


Sketch colored.

It's Franklin, a cat who lives in hell, he's also Marius' right hand man

#CYHM #CanYouHuntMe

I did this in 3 minutes, she's the mother of one of my character (Not my Universe Can you hunt me)


My Airplane Dragon, HUNT3R :]] He is based of a Sukhoi SU-30 which is my fave plane to fly in flight sims. :]

the symbol on his wing is also on another of my characters, see if u can remember which >:]

Sketch doodle

Nelson getting ready to go outside

#CanYouHuntMe #CYHM