Lina's AppleTree Babies

4 days ago

My plant babies UwU

all looking good other then pot 4....

So! I repoted them into smaler pots with the correct dirt in it since the dirt that was in that pot before was dirt nothing extra in it other then air stuff for plants

100% not for my Trees

So yeah I will make a Tutorial for ya one day ^^

I'm planning some Followere count anyways

btw I gave them stones with there numbers ^^ Idk where 6 is since I couldn't find them, and I worry that I might have accedentaly killed 8 because there where two parts. I hope they okay but I don't think 6,8 & maybe even 5 will make it because look at them

I also put the had back on 5 because mom things maybe something is eating from 5

Btw I repotted pot4 shirtless lul

Faline Day: 18
Stumpson Day: 16
Tree4 & Clea Day: 14
Tree5 Day: 13
Tree6/7/8/9 Day: 8

Time goes fast

#AppleTree #AppleTrees #AppleTreeBaby #AppleTreeBabys #Tree #Trees #BabyTree #BabyTrees #AppleTreeSeed #AppleTreeSeeds #Seed #Seeds #Plant #Herb #Shrub #Plants #Herbs #Shrubs #Greenery #Earth #Photo #2024 #RealLife #LinaWorker



Next up

I went out and made some photos for y'all


so much water lately, I hope you like it

Again posting the #background first before the actual drawing so everyone can appreciate it ^^

I must say I like both versions, even so one is less colorful and more like the Reference picture

#Water #Pond #Trees

Monika #PrideJolt

shes Pansexual and it is every fitting to her

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

So here is tree6... I think they probably dead... Mom told me to just put them into the dirt to see if maybe they grow again. I don't think they will

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.

Here they are after I watered them, all other then the last pot needed it and it even showed me something special about Tree5! She was upside down. Which is weird since he him self put that side up but hey at least that explains why they looked like that

Heh this is funny to me I must say

y'all realize I'm going to draw a Hedgehog now right? Just not the Hedgehog I would have drawn if you had chosen Hedgehog, but more to that in the Article.

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens?

writing this post a second time T^T

I'm so so so Sorry!!! Those are Yesterdays (24.06.2024) Pictures and I DIDN'T MAKE ANY FOR TODAY!!! T^T oh and pictures made with my sisters phone

24.06.2024 25.06.2024