POPGOES Evergreen
12 days ago

myPOPGOES: New and Improved! FAQ


Hi guys! I'm here to answer your questions about the upcoming major update for myPOPGOES, New and Improved!

If you have a new question that isn't listed here, ask in the comments and I'll try to answer and maybe even add it to the post. Thanks!

Q: Is this update free?

A: Yes. New and Improved! is a free, mandatory update to the Steam version of myPOPGOES. No additional purchase is needed; just update your game when it's out. You can buy myPOPGOES in preparation for the update here (though you should probably wait for the upcoming discount first).

Q: Will my save data transfer to this?

A: Everything from your original game save should seamlessly transfer to the new version of the game, even though it has been reprogrammed from scratch. This includes your progress, collectibles... even where you placed stickers!

Q: What about ports?

A: This update, like Fighting Chance for POPGOES Arcade, is my attempt at perfecting myPOPGOES so that it can be considered totally finished. When we're sure the game has no issues, we will begin porting the game to mobile (and then consoles).

Q: What kind of content is in the update?

A: The upcoming video will go over the most important features. The focus of the update was improving the performance, responsiveness, and adding QOL features to make the game more satisfying to play. But there are a few totally new things too, including a new collectible toy...

Q: Are there new secrets to find?

A: There are a few new things to find and check out, but there's nothing new regarding the wider POPGOES story. I don't think it would be fair to expect Evergreen fans to come back and replay the game for a new reveal. New and Improved! really is designed to just make the game, THIS GAME, better.

Q: Why was this made?

A: The original release of myPOPGOES was a bit messy. People reported issues that we couldn't replicate, and the code for the game was ultimately too difficult to continue to modify, mostly because it was built upon another version of the game from 2023 that was considered finished at the time. Patching content on, etc. Reprogramming the game with over a year of foresight was definitely the right move. And we used the opportunity to improve the game massively and add cool new stuff too.

Q: Will the original release version still be available?

A: No it won't. New and Improved! is designed to be an objectively better version of the game. Devs of some other games will sometimes keep old versions of games available if the new versions break mods, or make polarising changes, etc. There is basically no reason to play the old version myPOPGOES, so to avoid confusion we won't be keeping it up.

Q: Is the game easier now?

A: Parts of it are. The difficulty of the main campaign (the "survival" gameplay where you eat, drink, dance) has not been altered. We know some people struggled with this, but we also know some people who have absolutely destroyed it and can survive Day 5 difficulty until 12AM (literally 2x the required time), so we felt it was not appropriate to tweak it. Plus, people have high-scores that we would rather not ruin. However some "minigames" like Topping Juggle and Whack-a-Rabbit have been made easier due to QOL improvements.

Q: What about my achievements?

A: Your achievements (on Steam, and in-game) will seamlessly transition to the new game. Two of them will change (because we have changed two of the challenge game modes) but you won't need to beat the new challenges if you already unlocked the previous challenges' achievements. We're just changing the name and icon for them, and tying them to the new challenges, basically.

Q: What are the Steam Community Items?

A: Playing myPOPGOES after New and Improved! releases will give you myPOPGOES trading cards as drops on your Steam account. But only some. If you complete the whole set (by trading with friends, or getting Booster Packs), you'll be able to craft a myPOPGOES Steam badge. Do that again and you can upgrade it, all the way to Lvl 5. Doing will also grant you emoticons and profile backgrounds, stuff like that. The release video will show these off!

Q: Will there be any items in the Steam Points Shop?

A: The Steam Points Shop is a totally different thing from Community Items. We did release items for POPGOES Arcade in the Points Shop, which were very cool, but we won't be doing any for myPOPGOES. They take a lot of time to make and devs do not get anything out of them. All money goes to Steam for those ones. Sorry!

Q: What is the New and Improved! discount?

A: To celebrate the release of New and Improved!, I am setting the game to a -25% discount for one week. This brings the game down from $4.99 to $3.74 (£3.99 to £2.99) from January 24th to January 31st. And if you collect trading cards, you could sell some on the Steam Marketplace to get a tiny bit of money back lol.

Q: Does this game have controller support and/or a Spanish translation?

A: Yes, just like the orignal Steam release of myPOPGOES, the game will continue to have controller support (and it's even better this time) and a full in-game Spanish translation.

Q: Will the game get more updates?

A: It won't get any major reworks or content additions like this. But if PC players find issues that the private testers didn't spot, then we will of course update the game to patch those out!

Q: Will the game be given new language translations?

A: Definitely not, unfortunately. Seamlessly translating everything in the game to Spanish has been an extremely tedious process, and I only agreed to it initially because our programmer at the time, Patata1236, spoke Spanish as his first language. It is simply not a good use of time to make new native translations. Thankfully, almost all on-screen text in myPOPGOES is shown without time restriction, so most people should be able to translate the game's text via something like a phone camera and understand everything necessary.

You got any others? Let me know! Thanks for all the support.

Get ready for the launch of myPOPGOES: New and Improved! on YouTube here:

- Kane




Next up

POPGOES fanart showcase for this week! Check these out! (31/01)

Sources for all four of these, AND A NEW POPGOES STICKER... are in the article!

Do you have myPOPGOES, but you haven't got your hands on a Youtooz Popgoes plushie yet?

Show me how you've decorated your toy in myPOPGOES and I'll give -10% discount codes to my favourite 5!

"How Much FNAF Does Dawko Know?" was a quiz show I did with Dawko in 2019. My avatar was a "Quizmaster" variant of Popgoes from POPGOES Reprinted.

But an Evergreen version was made, in 2021! We never got round to using it, so I'm showing it off now!


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

The Sitting and Long Popgoes Youtooz plushies released over a year ago now, but they are STILL AVAILABLE!

For those who dislike limited releases, show your support for these guys by getting one TODAY!

If you're still a fan of me and my content in 2025, consider joining my Buy Me a Coffee Discord server!

A super fun and casual hangout full of exclusive content and updates from me and my friends (including my cat, Benjamin).

Blake said a naughty word to a customer so as punishment he has been sent outside for the night.

#fnaf #popgoes

myPOPGOES is on a -25% discount for less than 2 days!

Thank you to all of the new and old players who have shared their feedback on the New and Improved update!

myPOPGOES: New and Improved! OUT NOW!

POPGOES fanart showcase for this week! Check these out! (24/01)

Sources for all four of these, AND RETURNING POPGOES STICKERS... are in the article!