Pokémon Distortion Version

4 years ago

Name change?

Recently the team has decided to change the name of Pokemon Epoch into Pokemon Distortion Version. The team had always intended on changing the title at some point, but due to recent behind the scenes plot changes and reworks, we figured that there'd be no better time to change the title than now. The reason for this new title is primarily because it fits the plot far better than the previous name did. We're excited to show more things in the future, and we thank you all for staying with us so far! Progress has been going well, and will only continue to keep going the further we go! We're still looking for artists to work on the official reveal artwork though, so until then we will continue to be unable to reveal any new pokemon for the time being. Fear not, if we cannot get a new artist, we'll find some other alternative for reveals.
~ Liz



Next up

Happy New Years! 2019 Was an incredible ride, and I look forward to an even better year for 2020! This year's teaser showcases the novel PT Contagion, and the upcoming game, Blight of Winter!

Just a reminder that I haven't forgotten about PTI, it's still in the works :)

Introducing S'morsel, The S'more Pokémon! This incredibly sweet pokémon are common in the Petrite region, often aiding lost campers in need in the forested areas in the region! (Sorry for the late post, we had realized we hadn't revealed this here.)

Happy New Years ! How I plan to do things going into 2023~

Happy Halloween! Here's something that's been in the works~

Can't wait to show more of this in the future, definitely excited to be starting this project!

Happy New Years Everyone!

New Project, Don't expect any info for a bit though.

Happy New Year everyone, thank you all for a better 2020, we look forward to seeing you in 2021!

Another house i made long time ago.