One Week at Splinky's: COLLECTION
2 years ago

Name has been updated, the thumbnail will be changed soon.



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One Week at Splinky's 1 - Menu Preview!

Credit goes to @ToadThePuppet for fixing some of the bad coding and making the character transitions! (No, not the animation itself, the part where they go off the screen was made by Toad.) Remember, this is a WIP.

I made an Obby in Obby Creator, cuz why not? --------------------------------------------------- -=LINK=-…

TLDR: Remember to stay cool B)

One Week at Splinky's - Devlog #1

Who's this funny dude???? :00000000

2024 Project Updates

I played some Roblox games with @inverted_minnie for a few hours.. we found fnati 3 (real)

The map for OWaS 1 has been finished! =D Here's a preview of the office! (It's not the full view of the office, its a cropped version since you will only see the full version in-game >:))