Five Nights at The AGK Studio 5: Updated Edition

2 months ago

New Custom Night Screen + a general update on things

Looks nice, don't you think? Way less empty than the previous ones.

And what is that gear at the top right you may ask? Good question!

I won't reveal it for now~ All I'll say is that it's something that I think will give the game quite a lot of replay value, but hasn't been implemented yet.

And if you're wondering, yeah, I've already tried out the max mode, and it's waaaaay more fun than it was in 1.0.

In 1.0 the gameplay was just a loop where you dealt with Jena and Neila then checked on Leonard- repeat over and over again.

2.0 gives you more things to do (as it has a higher number of threats) so it keeps you on your toes the entire time. There isn't a point where you're just waiting for the next guy to attack while doing nothing.

It also gives you more options when dealing with each threat, as you can choose the order in which you fend them off, or even choose to willingly ignore them and risk it all with the Shake Away mechanic.

As a fun fact: I think at this point pretty much everyone knows, but the Custom Night in the original FNaTAS 5 from 2016 was just there for show. It straight up just doesn't do anything.

The only code attached to the AI levels in the gameplay frame is the one that tells the game you've beaten the "totally real 20 mode", but they don't affect the way the characters behave in any way whatsoever.

You can actually try it out for yourself: Set the Jester to 0 (putting the Jester as an example since he's the only character in the game to actually do anything, lol) and you'll see how, despite being at 0, you'll still encounter it every once in a while.

Obviously that is not the case with this game.

Now that the main game is playable from start to finish (minus the minigames but they don't affect the gameplay), I've added a Night Select feature.


(I guess this spoils when each character activates but I don't think that's too important. I didn't know what to do with Night 5's icon so I just made it Daisy lol)

You might be wondering what's the point of it, if this game doesn't have phone calls or anything like that and you can already rewatch the cutscenes and the minigames through the extras.

Well, idk, I just thought it'd be nice to have. Better to have the option, than to not have it, I'd say.

Perhaps you thought 2 AM, Night 4 was the absolute best moment in the game and you wanted to experience it again or something, lmao

This night select was actually going to be in 1.0 (so, even before 4R did it) but for some goddamn reason I never ended up adding it. So this is technically scrapped content brought back, I guess?

The next thing I'm gonna do is play through all of the main five nights and do as much balancing as necessary, then move on to Hard Mode's new replacement. I've already planned it all out, and I think it'll be quite interesting (and you will not be able to cheat it this time)

Some balancing things that are already planned are:

- Making Daisy's movement from room to room faster (this has actually been done already. Previously it took her 12 seconds to go from the foyer to a hiding spot in F2, now it takes her around 8 seconds, which helps a lot with pacing)

- Adding some sort of penalty for using the shake away mechanic (I was thinking something like FNaC Remastered's Shadow Night, where you get pushed back an hour or so for failing)

And that is all for today.

There was a long period of time where this game was making progress at a very slow pace. But as you can see things have thankfully sped up a considerable amount.

It'll probably go back to the usual snail pace once my Christmas vacation ends, but let's enjoy this little period of time while it lasts, shall we?

The game is actually pretty close to being finished, I think. I can't give a specific percentage, but it's quite close.

I believe all that's left is Hard Mode's replacement (should be easy), some things related to Night 6 (it's gonna be hard, but definitely doable), the new minigames, and the CN Challenges (will be the hardest, probably)



Next up

Patch 2.0.6

I'm gonna be making a patch that will fix some issues that one of the custom night challenges has...

but in the meantime I have a question for the people who have been struggling to beat Night 6

FINAL DEVLOG - The Custom Night challenges are all done!

+ Release Date announcement coming tomorrow


Patch 2.0.5, dedicated to Night 6

(EDIT: it's now)

Rat Race Production Update

- Night 6 has been finished, and so have the minigames -

The scrapped health and shake away mechanics from the original FNaTAS 5 are being brought back in all of their glory!

(Careful, the video contains a jumpscare, although it's at low volume)