Hello! I’m Darth Raven, the Game Designer and Programmer behind Weedalf. Today I’ve uploaded 2 new screenshots, which you can see clearly some challenges that the player will face in the game.
As you can see in this screenshot, we have alot of challenges to the player. We have the lava, which obviously obligate you to jump to not touch it. In the back of Weedalf, we have a “barrier” which stops the player to continue to go that side. The player has to find out how can he deactivate it ( tip, is white). We have the darkness, which makes the player to move carefully. So here we have alot of the basic gameplay and challenges the player will face just in this point.
As for this screenshot, we clearly can see a purple ghost. He is one more challenge to the player. This screenshot aint clear enough to show the true challenge, but it gives some idea that Weedalf is not alone in the darkness.
I hope you liked this article, it’s a little about the gameplay/game design behind Weedalf. The game has alot more, but it’s to early to tell now.
Best Regards, Darth Raven.
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