1 year ago

Next manga entrance: Dragon Ball Super Manga

type of manga: Shonnen Adventure, Action, Fantasy.

Personal rating: 8/10

Pretext: this manga review is kinda... big to say the least. I have a lot of material to talk about this manga in particular since Dragon Ball Super anime and manga are 2 different things. Yes they have the same arcs and timeline, but the story is told differently. I will make this review in multiple parts, these being:

1 Introduction and background

2 Comparisons to the anime

3 Manga Material

4 The 2 new arcs (manga exclusives) (major spoilers for these arcs, the story is fully told)

5 The overall review and rating

Lets begin!


Dragon Ball is a franchise known across the globe, either being in the ”Big 4” animes or the grand father of anime in general. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are not the first works of Akira Toriyama, instead it was Dr Slump. A short shonen/comedy manga that was later adapted to anime television in 1980. Upon the succes of Dr Slump, 3 months later the first manga of OG Dragon Ball was made in 1984. Both Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z were televised in 1986-1996. Toei Animation wanted to continue the succesfull Dragon Ball series. That's how Dragon Ball GT came along, but even if the models were made by Toriyama itself, the backlash of the fandom for making a shit story made Toei Animation cancel Dragon Ball GT for good.

In 2013 and 2015, Toriyama ”made” the two movies: DBZ Battle of Gods and Resurrection F out of the good of his heart (Tax evasion). Both movies were succesfull and so in 2015, Dragon Ball Super the anime was made. Remade the first two movies as its first episodes and began with the ”Universe 6” arc. From that point on, Dragon Ball Super was the continued version of Dragon Ball Z and its still ongoing.

In August of 2015, the DBS manga was first released with its first volume, written by Toriyama and ilustrated by Toyotarou.

After the first 2 arcs were adapted into the manga, the anime was ahead with its new arc, that being ”Universe 6”. Both the manga and anime had almost the same story telling, but the manga used plot holes made by the anime and made them better.

Comparisons to the anime:

When it comes to the manga, the timeline is the same, the ending is the same, but the storytelling is different. That being said, there are many, many differences than the anime, but i will be talking about the major ones. A start is the Universe 6 arc with Goku instead of turning Super Saiyan Blue during the fight with Hit, he instead turns Super Saiyan God.


After the first official DBS arc came the most popular one of the anime ”Future Trunks arc” or ”Goku Black arc”.

This arc had the most changes from the anime, starting from the very beginning and adding more things, such as the flashback from Trunks defeating Babidi and Dabura, leaving Buu in the egg:


The anime had the main protagonist, Goku Black learns of a new transformation for saiyans along his fight with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, calling it Super Saiyan Rose:


In the manga, Goku Black used Super Saiyan as its first transformation, having such a bigger power than the actuall Super Saiyan that he went head to head with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta.


In the climax of Goku Black and Zamasu losing, they fused using the potara earrings making ”God Zamas” or ”Fused Zamas”, a whole different being than the anime counterpart.

Manga Material:


Fused Zamasu in the anime was claimed to appear as an actual god until it was corrupted by some sort of ”lighting from god itself” and having his half mortal body from Goku Black appear purple-ish, he was ultimately defeated by Trunks and his Spirit Bomb sword, but then transformed and merged with the universe(?). Then he was erased by Zeno.

In the manga, God Zamas was potrayed as the ultimate being, immortal, strong, but his infinite health couldnt heal his stamina or ki. He appeared more stronger, more knowledgeable of his own strength. Using portals to hit the main cast:


Bulk up into a monster of infinite regen:


Survive a technique of permanent erasure called Hakai:


And multiply his immortal body into an infinite amount of God Zamas even after being blasted by Vegetas Gamma burst flash:


This manga arc ends the same as the anime, Zeno permanently erasing Future Trunks timeline.

The next arc: Tournament of Power had the same outcomes but 1 noticeable better battle, that being:

Kefla vs Ultimate Gohan, ending with both fatigued and falling from the battle:


Not saying that there werent many more new elements added in this arc, but this one was the most suprising one. Both adaptations end with Goku and Frieza pushing Jiren out of the battle stage and Android 17 winning.

The 2 new arcs (Manga exclusives):

Following the anime ending its first season with the climax of the Tournament of Power, the manga continued its story till the movie Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was published to theatres.

The first manga exclusive arc was Moro the devourer of planets:


After the introduction of Ultra Instinct in the previous arc and the transformation ”Mastered Ultra Instinct”. Goku wanted to perfect the technique in order to use it more freely and control the mastered silver hair transformation while Vegeta went on his own with training in order to use Super Saiyan Blue Evolved. Back to earth, Buu was captured by the Galactic patrol, the police version of space, in order to make him fight agaisnt the escaped prisoners, more specific, Moro, a strong magic user that used to fight the lord of lords thousands of years ago. Goku and Vegeta was called along to fight Moro on planet Namek, but they were defeated by him, drained of all their energy till they woke up days later. Moro was searching for enough ki for him to gain his younger version of himself back. He started searching for the dragon balls of planet Namek in order to make that wish, succeding in the process to make himself younger through gaining ki of other beings in the planet. Merus, a galactic patrol member captured Moro for a short period of time. Buu recognized Moro from the lord of lords memories he gained years ago, absolutely dominating him.


Moro managed to escape after gaining his powers back through the namekian dragon balls. Afterwards, Goku and Vegeta parted ways to train before conquering Moro again. Vegeta went to planet Yardrat while Goku left with Merus to train in a hyperbolic time chamber. A few prisoners managed to arrive on earth, causing trouble, but were caught by Piccolo and Krillin. Bulma, Krillin and Piccolo caught up with the situation that ended up in Namek, only 1 namekian lived through the chaos caused on that planet. Jaco wanted to leave earth as fast as he can before 3 of Moros allies arrived on earth to consume the energy of that planet for Moro. One of his allies being a living robot, OG-073, unable to feel emotions, but able to copy anyones ability by touching the back of their necks. The 3 prisoners teleported to earth after scavenging a hedgehog like planet and OG-073 copying one of their abilities which came with teleportation.


After a long fight, Moro instructed that all 3 bandits stop their fights with earths strongest fighters and retreat until both Goku and Vegeta finish their training. 6 months pass and Goku was the only one who arrived on earth so far. Taking on the invasion that Moro caused on the planet, transforming into Ultra Instinct Omen and fighting Moro head-to-head.


The fight ended with most of the main cast exhausted by Moros power, Goku even falling back from the fight, until Vegeta used Instant Transmition from planet Yardrat and taking Moro full on. Transforming into Super Saiyan Blue and separating the energy consumed by Moro from others using using Forced Spirit Fission.


After a good fight between the two, Moro falls back and dives himself back to his ship using magma as his platform and eating OG-073 to gain his copying ability.


The main cast took on the new Moro and failing to defeat him, having Goku almost face death. Merus, now taking his angelic stick and his galactic patrol uniform, goes to fight Moro.


Angels in this multiverse cant fight outside of just training, but Merus still goes on to fight Moro even if its breaking the Angelic Rules. Merus breaks all the gems out of Moros body so he stops copying others abilities, ending his own life after the final blow.


Following Merus's death, Goku asks Jaco why did he joined the galactic patrol to begin with. Jaco gives the same response as Merus once said, putting a smile to Goku's face before transforming into mastered ultra instinct once again.


Moro is now useless against mastered ultra instinct, but remembers that Merus cut one of his hands during their fight, having Merus angel abilities on it. Moro manages to reach it, giving himself angel powers.


Moro's body is able to contain the angel powers, but once hit with them or using them, he inflates. His body is not meant to maintain angel powers, making himself bigger and out of control. As a last resort, Moro fused with the planet in order to make himself blow up the planet like a suicide bomber. He is ultimately stopped by Goku, broken from his own gem and restoring peace in the galaxy once again.

The second manga exclusive arc, Granolah the Survivor:


The Granolah arc is a bit... complicated to tell due to the fact that it has a main story after the Moro arc and a span of flashbacks about Granolah's past. Bardock (Gokus biological father) is involved in the flashbacks aswell. I will be explaining the story more detailed on the beginning and lower in the end.

The aftermath of Moro's past endevours, a group of raiders manage to get the remains of OG-073 after Moro's death. The raiders plan to use OG-073 for money by cloning him into multiple entities. The ship is invaded by a Cerealian, a specie of great snipers that was long killed by Frieza and his men, specifically saiyans. The invader was identified as Granolah, the last Cerealian of his kind. Granolah killed the men inside the ship and stole the original body of OG-073, giving it to the Heeters. The Heeters are a race group from space, brokers of the Frieza force and the main antagonists of this arc. The planet in which Sugarians and the Heeters live on is Granolah's original planet before it was ravaged by saiyans of the Frieza Force years ago. Cerealians and Namekians used to live on this planet, one being a sniper race and one a peace keeper race respectivelly. It is spoken that the Heeters used this planet to sell it to the Sugarians, a race that was so low in population it needed a place to repopulate. The Heeters are made of 4 members: Gas (the youngest and smallest one, but the most powerfull), Macki (the girl), Oil (the fat one) and Elec (the leader and oldest one out of the heeters).


Their plan is to take control of the universe by being stronger in power, achieving power over Frieza and his men (thus having names associated with flammable based elements while Frieza is literally just a rewording of ”freezer”). Upon discussing the reward for retrieving the remains of OG-73, Granolah was rewarded money for the hunt and he manages to learn about the dragon balls. Namekians are able to make dragon balls and Granolah is living with the last one in this planet, leading him to believe that the planet contains such pairs of dragon balls that grant wishes. He also learns about Friezas revival, a ruler he hated, aswell as the saiyans since his childhood with the purge of his own people. Upon hearing about the news, Granolah demands that he takes on Frieza himself but he's stopped by the heeters for having such weak thinking. Granolah leaves and spies on the last namekian on this planet (also kind of his adoptive parent). Enters his old home and asks about the dragon ball they have on his house, Monaito answers everything he has to say but warns him about getting the last dragon ball on the planet and to not engage in a fight with Frieza, depicting that it would be better to live in peace. Later that night, Monaito rests to bed while Granolah watches the news. Someone has found the second dragon ball and it is televised, making Granolah leave with his own dragon ball in the search of the last one.


Upon receiving the dragon balls, Granolah makes his wish. Unfortunatly, this dragon is much weaker in power than the other dragons made by other namekians, that being also beacause there are only 2 dragon balls instead of 7. Granolah wishes to be the strongest in the universe, but the dragon is unable to make that wish come true. The wish to be the strongest is not an option, but on only one condition, to break all of his potential in order to achieve great power of the gods, leaving him with only a few years left to live.


The dragon disappears and leaves only a shock wave behind made by an attack, waking up Monaito, leaving his house and finding Granolah standing outside. Granolah made his wish. He leaves the place in a hurry, flying up to the heeters base. Monaito blames himself for Granolahs impending doom.


The heeters went to Zuno, an inteligent being that knows everything about the universe, to ask about the last remaining saiyans. As a requirement to learn more, Macki has to kiss Zuno, doing so they learn about both Goku and Vegeta. Granolah arrives at the heeters base and demands once again to go up agaisnt Frieza. The heeters try to stop him but hes too strong to be put down.


Upon finding out about Granolah's new power, Gas plans to call the saiyans to go up agaisnt this new threat. Wanting to get rid of both races at last and leaving Frieza to go up agaisnt Gas who will do the same wish as Granolah once did.

On Beerus's planet, Goku is going futher with his training to achieve a stronger form for UI while Vegeta tries to learn a technique of his own, more likely the god of destruction technique. Goku needs to find a way to control Ultra Instinct in a way hes able to not be weakened by emotions. Vegeta partially learns about his new technique with Beerus's help, being able to destroy a giant log.


Macki and Oil manage to get a hold of comunication with the Earth, calling both Bulma and Chichi for the help of Goku and Vegeta to be on their way to their planet. Goku and Vegeta both leave Beerus's planet and heads towards the heeters planet, told that there is a big threat onto their planet.


While on the search through the planet, Goku is surprised by a wave of ki blasts in the near shape as bullets coming towards them, avoiding them.


Vegeta then gives Goku a senzu bean, healing up from a vital point made by the ki blast. Both transform and find Granolah's location, while him teleports to theirs. Goku and Vegeta take turns on the fight. Starting with Goku being first in super saiyan god. Goku looses fast as Granolah hits a vital point with just his fingers.


Goku quickly recovers and goes back to the fight as super saiyan blue. Both end up in a situation of close combat, Goku charging a Kamehameha and Granolah about to hit a vital point, leaving both on the ground as each attack hit at the same time.


In the aftermath of the attack, Goku is forced to use a new form to go up agaisnt an enemy like Granolah called perfected ultra instinct (PUI).


Goku seemed to be winning, but the Granolah he was fighting was just a clone. The real Granolah was in his ship, inspecting everything about the fight, finding a blind spot on Goku and hitting it.


Goku lost, the last remaining fighter is Vegeta to go up agaisnt Granolah. Vegeta isnt stronger, he doesnt have anz buffs like ultra instinct, but he still got up to fight Granolah.

Vegeta was losing overall, but he was still thrilled to fight someone like Granolah. Ultimately opening a new emotion when he was hit by Granolah on a vital point and achieving a new form. ULTRA EGO:


The next fights seem like Vegeta and Granolah are on the same level of power, leaving both of them at a point of killing each other at the same time. Monaito manages to reach Granolah in time to stop both of them from killing each other, revealing that apparently, his mother was once saved by a saiyan, but she was killed by a member of the heeters. He tried to not tell him about this information for his own good.


Bardock was a saiyan warrior, a scientist and Gokus father that saved both Granolah and his mother Muezu from the purge of the planet in order for it to be sold and undetected by Frieza.


Not long after, the heeters arrive on the planet and plan it to be sold. A noise strike up the heeters. In a matter of rush for Bardock to buy time for the three who he saved, he put on the cape of Monaito on and pretended to be a saiyan that was about to kill them. Bardock was taking too long on the attack so Elec killed Muezu with a ki pistol through the chest.


After the conflict, Bardocks fights a member of the heeters in an attempt to stop them. Gas, the youngest but the strongest fights Bardock at almost the same level. Bardock ultimately wins by being transported back to his own planet through the wish of the dragon balls. Monaito is too weak to heal someone up by how old he is. Muezu dies in the end, leaving Granolah to be the last survivor.

Back to the action, Elec manages to get a hold of the dragon balls, wishing for Gas to be the strongest in the universe aswell, but with his time even more limited than Granolah.


The fight continues as a paradox, if its not Goku fighting Gas, then its Granolah, if not, its Vegeta, and so on. The fight is long until, Granolah leaves his vest behind, gaining more power and going head to head with Gas, Goku achieves a new form called True Ultra Instinct that lets him use his feelings and Vegeta further achieving more power through his new transformation.


Granolah is knocked down by Elec and Gas, leaving Goku and Vegeta to fight Gas on their own, fully healed up by Monaito. Granolah is under Monaito's care so they could go up agaisnt Elec. During this fight, as both take on Elec, they are doing heavy hitters. It is not doing damage to Gas but his body is aging fastly to the point that he has only a few hours left to live (Gas is unaware of the time remaining to his body).


Granolah once again joins the fight as he is healed up by Monaito, ready to give his all in one shot. Goku is distracting Gas while Granolah is charging up a last attack. Still not in match with Gas's powers, Goku falls down, unable to protect Granolah from him. A power is awake in Goku for a slight moment, leaving Gas to be caught up in a hollow light reflecting Goku's body.


Granolah manages to attack Gas, but the attack was not strong enough to kill him, thus being on purpose. The attack shortened Granolah's life even more, leaving him with only 3 years left to live. From the amount of healing Monaito has done, he's able to upgrade his technique and fully heal someone much faster. The happy reunion ends as Monaito is shot down by Gas. Appearing as a mumified corpse instead of showing much damage.


All of them are not able to defeat Gas at this point, until Frieza arrives on the planet in a superhero like pose, saving all of them:


Killing Gas and Elec one shot and revealing to Goku and Vegeta his new latent power, Black Frieza, a being so powerfull it surpasses the latest "strongest in the universe". Putting down Goku and Vegeta with one blow.


As Frieza is not here to fight for long, he hires Macki and Oil to join the Frieza Force and leaves Goku and Vegeta on their own for the next time they meet up.

The arc end with Whis transporting Goku and Vegeta back, leaving Granolah in peace with his planet. Goku takes back the old scouter of Bardock's as a memory of his own father.

Overall review and rating:

I know the Super Hero arc is also new, but its already televised as a movie you can watch in almost all of the platform like crunchyroll for you. While i agree some of the new stories on Dragon Ball Super has some plot holes, it is lesser than what Dragon Ball Z had. Its an enjoyable experience reading the manga and comparing it to the series. The 2 arcs I've covered would most likely not be animated soon enough so that's why i called them manga exclusives.

As a personal preferance i give it a 7/10 on its story alone while i give the art a 10/10, i can't imagine the amount of details in this manga, its not crazy like Berserk but its very enjoyable in my experience.

You can read all of the chapters on MangaPlus, the link is here if you dont want to search it yourself: https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/titles/100012



Next up

Carving Wood - Majin Vegeta in 20 Days

Carving Wood - Dragon Ball: Goku Super Saiyan in 27 Days