1 year ago

Ngl it’s crazy having 40 Followers never thought i’d get that far just by interacting and enjoying the Fnaf Community

God Bless!!

Thanks everyone i honestly didn’t think i’d get this many followers and so much support so fast (ngl i’m so used to being ignored, bullied, etc. online i don’t even know what to say) in my time returning granted i doubt i’ll ever hit 100 but it would be cool considering i enjoy the Fnaf community.

I wish everyone who makes Fan Games luck you have my support for your dedication and your endeavors.

May god be with you all i know some folks here aren’t christian or don’t believe in it but i pray for everyone anyways cause it’s out of my kindness and the good soul that i am

So everyone who reads this and is havin a bad day (or night) keep your hopes and spirits up cause there is always a light in the darkness and there will always be good to the bad so don’t dwell on the bad times cherish the good times and make sure to always love those around you cause tomorrow is never guaranteed today is a gift enjoy life everyday you can to the fullest…

Sorry didn’t mean to ramble on there but i just thought i’d say that to hopefully make someone’s day

Love you all ,


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Next up

Bout to go out with family ik i look like crap but might as well face reveal since i showed some of my face with the picture before Kiera’s passing (yes ik i suck with selfies lol)

Also cause why not gonna wear the Fnaf Security Badge i got for Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas i know i did enjoying time with Family Sadly tho there were some dark moments as i lost my Guinea Pig Kiera i have her ashes on my desk and we lost one of the hamsters we had Grace but we are doing ok now

Howdy all hope everyone is havin a good day!


I literally have so many Plushies of the OG fnaf stuff but tbh i kinda want more cause idk if this is weird but having plushies when i sleep alone comforts me

(I really want security breach plushies ngl cause i love SB)

Rat Race Production Update

Meet my 3 Guinea Pigs i love them all (keep in mind these are all some old pics from within a few months) the All brown is Kiera, the White & Brown is Lucille then finally is the Black, White, & Brown cotton ball named Snuffle

I’m Getting my own dog soon yay

Her name is Chili she is my uncle’s but his wife is a jerk and blames chili for things she doesn’t do (its actually another dog they have named honey which is a rude son of a gun)

My Art Summary 2023, what's your favorite part of this year?

I love my Guinea Pigs lol finally i can get Snuffle runnin around