Sonic Origins Plus Plus

4 months ago

Ni hao, comrades!
I have a big announcment for you.
Since TA and TSP are spin-offs, I wanted to make them low prior, and I wanted to focus on Sonic Trilogy, because our main point is fixing Sonic Origins!



Next up

Somewhen I will release my game. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day... Right now I feel myself like Sergey on image, but I started to rework engine mistakes, that I did, because I didn't know how to work on CTF

Ni hao, comrades!

So, yeah. I record material for gameplay trailer, and today is the day, that I finally managed to emulate Sega arcades with my collection. Next day I will test version indev11, so see ya

Yours, Voland

Wow. I didn't believe it first, but first trailer (recorded with remaster footages...) already got 150+ views!

Let's hope second will also be a success, with a bit more likes...

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Ni hao, comrades!

Trailer is loaded on YouTube, and premire will be on 6th of April at 12:30 (UTC+3)!

See ya tommorow.

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

Ni hao, comrades! You remember map from S.O.? Yeah... it got a little downgrade to fit style of collection now. It's kinda strange to have 3d islands in a 2d collection, right?

(First picture - old map, second - new map)

Ni hao, comrades!

Status update, I guess...

I'll delay first demo once again, because I need second operation on my leg. Just in case, if you still wait, I plan to unfreeze development in 20th of February

Yours Voland

Ever wonder if Sonic ever had a home?

A little bit of fun facts while I can't work.

Original name of project was "Sonic's True Origins" and it was started as an archive on my phone in early November of 2022, but since January of 2023 I work on PC version, and since November 2023 I am here.