Midnight Haze

9 months ago

Night 4 Complete:

- 3 new characters

- Fixed a baker's dozen of bugs

- Gameplay improvements

Night 5 is likely to be the most exciting and unique night yet. Hence why it's the final night. As for the 6, that will focus on extras and finishing touches.



Next up

With phase 6 complete all that's left to do is playtest the game. That means we are days away from release! (probably)

Check out the trailer here!:

#horror #retro #eldritch #comingsoon

How many clowns are too many?

#retro #rpg #adventure #action #chaos #pixelart

So what's next? (+ Patch Notes)

#horror #retro #eldritch #patchnotes

Commit murder in style with the new, sleeker UI!

#retro #rpg #adventure #action #chaos #pixelart

Storage, Storage, Story-age

The plot thickens...

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It's almost been a year...

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