2 years ago

no image because I'm too lazy but small engine update

added sprite rendering and collision, it was stupidly simple

also rectangle collision is coming along pretty well, although I had to literally cut corners (you collide against corners like you would if you were a square, although now I consider it I could maybe fix that by using the cylindrical collision I used for sprite collision... wait)

might add pen+ to it soon although it might take me a minute to figure out how to work it (i think there's a new thing to automatically trim triangles now, which is pretty sick (trimming triangles as in cutting them when 1+ points of it are behind the player))



Next up



meow mow mow

New Shockwave 2 Optimization and Bug fix update Overhaul 1.4

another random ass 3d engine that nobody asked for and nobody will end up using

Something is wrong with my shockwave 2

cylindrical hitbox added

my spanish skills are not competent enough to understand what the guy is saying at 2x speed

CB2 Ultimate is finally out! Read below for more info!

wow I've already abandoned my 3d engine and made a Minecraft clone and abandoned that and then started on a 3rd engine