A Golden Past - Chapter 3
1 year ago

Noticed the game hit 4,000 yesterday but I didn't make a post on it cuz I'm a goof lol, but thank you all for the growing support! More said below.

While I am thankful for the 4,000, I do have to say... The game is on an official hiatus for the time being, hints why news have been low. Not cuz of motivation or anything bad behind the scenes, it's actually because of the changes to IMPROVE the game compared to the previous 2 chapters. Chapter 3 will be costing me money (by decision) because I wanna give care to the series and not rush it, I wanna have it get love from the team and get the criticism from the other stuff. There's nothing to show yet because I'm still waiting on stuff, and right now updates are paused until I get something to show off. Originally there was gonna be a DEMO of version 1 here, but we decided not to because it wouldn't make sense if we can just put focus on the main full game, same goes with the idea of me going to remake chapter 1 and 2 but in the end we're not because we want to leave them as is as a learning experience for my future projects. The game is NOT cancelled, it just needs its time, I hope you all understand (to those who read this.)

Thank you all for 4,000 again, it means a lot. I'll try to get some news whenever possible, for now it's gonna be sitting here for the time it needs.

This'll give me time to work on other projects in the meantime anyway.



Next up

Old (2021) to New (2023) office, the new office ISN'T final yet as it has placeholder stuff however you guys deserve somewhat of an update to the newer visuals. Glad you all have been patient, means a ton! <3 (and again, not final YET.)

DUDE, I lied, I did a lot of tries from 0 and managed to eventually get 31% lmfao

Don't think I'll be beating this anytime soon tho, but been getting consistent which is a good sign. Also was in call so ignore le voices LMAO

Had this level unfinished for a year basically, but gonna come back and finish it. Prob won't be the whole song, but ay feels nice to come back to it boredly. I ofc improved with layouts since this, I also added some 2.2 features cuz I felt like it lol


Typical discord call with the boi's

Every shadow is a caution.

See you all in 2 weeks for the @FangameDirect event! :)

My extreme demon Nine Circles level has progress, some gameplay is being changed/altered (difficulty wise and playing wise), and some progress on the NC flashing too.

Done with the help from @AGameZ69

There will be more WIPs in the future :D

meet Eddie (you play as this dude)

This is a certified "fine" moment.