2 years ago

Now working on yet another Doom Wad Project... This one is called "Sever the Wicked" and is a Zdoom 5 map slaughterwad.... The first 2 maps are done so far but the rest will be done tomorrow... This one could be brutal. #doom #wad #slaughterwad



Next up

Open Doom : Hardcore Edition just got BS error messages while uploading it here, so so the only way to download 2.0.0 is to go to my itch now... It features City level generation... Download it here: https://vicious-games.itch.io/open-doom-hc #gzdoom #rpg

New open Doom build releaased on itch last night. This is Open Doom 6.0 and has a few minor bugs but nothing as bad as 4.0/5.0's bugs... The dungeons are totally non repetitive and It has NO homs whatsoever... IDK how I managed this... #gzdoom #rpg

Now the final build of Open Doom : hardcore edition is out.. It features the following new features : -implemented enemy rampup - enemy difficulty gets worse every 5 completed quests -improved dungeon layouts/architecture -bugfix for recall spell #gzdoom

Trailer for Open Doom : hardcore Edition #gzdoom #rpg

This is a playthrough of Open Doom : hardcore edition 6.0 + fallout gzdoom TC in speed king mode... I did fairly well here and actually pwned this mode... It's much harder in other modes. #gzdoom #rpg

A playthrough of Open Doom : hardcore Edition 6.0 + DRLA playing in the poison permadeath mode.. Due to my low Damage Resistance the poison actually was negated. I also started the game with the tactical shotgun, which never happens. #gzdoom #rpg

Open Doom : hardcore Edition v6.0 in Speedking mode. In this mode it's permadeath and my health determines my movement speed... The lower it is the slower I move... The higher it is the faster I move.. #gzdoom #rpg

A playthrough of Open Doom : hardcore edition 6.0 being played in the new Permadeath plus mode: In this mode I cannot use perks, upgrade guns, upgrade survival to resist disease damage or buy stuff... And if I die, its over. #gzdoom #rpg

This is a playthrough of Open Doom : hardcore Edition in poison Permadeath mode, where if I die I have to start the whole thing over, and I take continous poison damage that I am using auto heal perks to compensate for. #gzdoom #rpg

A playthrough of open doom 3.20 played along side Xim Star Wars doom - the absolute best star wars doom mod ever... I kick ass at this and become op as fuck vs stormtroopers... #gzdoom #rpg #starwars