Sonic Lost Island Port Mobile
1 year ago

O Porto Lançou! Jogue Agora! (Desculpe Por A Página Mudar)


BUG 1:As Fases De Vez em Quando Não Funciona

E só isso...


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Adivinhe Onde Estou (Sonic Speed ​​Simulator)

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

We made a lot of improvements on the Freezing Plains visual. Things like pine trees, tiny bushes, some rocks, and others game props!

#IndieGame | #IndieDev | #GameDev | #PixelArt | #WaifuQuest | #WifeQuest | #screenshotsaturday

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^


Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

Szayel Aporro Granz - Bleach

Path of Kami, running around the shrine area

blender animation experimentation, getting the hang of things fast. arms, rig, & gun models by me ofc

Development of my game Juno. This is the rune equipment system.

Usually update over on twitter: