Five Nights at Sonic's 5: PARADOX
2 months ago

Ok uhhh a bit more explanation to the gambling post

Basically whenever you beat a challange, you get a token, and you can go the the slot machine (which is styled after the Sonic 3 minigame) and you have a chance to get a specific set

3 Jackpots- 100 Rings

3 Robotniks - 50 Rings

3 Origin Sonics - 25 Rings

3 '15 Golden Sonics - 20 Rings

3 '17 Golden Sonics - 15 Rings

3 '27 Golden Sonics - 10 Rings

3 Nightmare Goldens - 5 Rings

3 Shadow Sonics - No Rings

3 Dr.Goldens - Loose the rings you got from the machine (current session, you won't loose previously earned ones)

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Next up

Woah, 40 followers already, that was uhhh, pretty fast. Anyways The new Golden is......

Proto Sonic design by @virus65 . Proto Tails is currently in progress.

Concept for 2 + Withered Sonic and our OFFICAL RETURN!!!

So I decided to remake my first ever public, digital art of Nightmaric, and I'm really happy with the result! Let me know what you guys think though

Here are the offical concept designs and the refs I mentioned earlier

It's official, we're late...

Clone Channel art for June 2024, featuring Shadow Devil!

You! Yes you, the one on the other side of this screen! "You gotta help us!" -Luigi

Also announcing that '16 Golden and TRTS Shadow Sonic will be featured in the Roster (Shadow Sonic will be a skin for normal Shadow Sonic, both Owned by @SherryZMax )

Messy drawing.

FNaS fan direct x FNaS ROBOTICIZED