
19 days ago

omg "Ar-Ranger" thats so perfect
ok i know its just a copy of ranger from tds, but i REALLY needed to make it

about the main character: screw this thing of "hide gender", now you'll have to choose your gender
BUT there will be a genderless option



Next up

new game thumbnail + a new name for the game MAYBE this will be the actual game name now also i like the thumbnail cuz it looks like a n64 game cover

i have a good and a bad news the good new is that i can make a lot of progress to the game the bad new, school strike for an indefinite time also fun fact: you didnt know that the magician cat (nyeko) was designed like an anime character

so uh some characters they are supposed to be one of your partner, and might have these personalities (left to right): 1º - is the confused one 2º - idk, didnt choose yet 3º - sort of emotionless, but also moody 4º - the curious one

finally some devlog

game name changed again for the third time also jump mechanic

one last update (hopefully) this month i'll be trying to make more original and cool characters!!! also these 3 are supposed to be chess characters, dont ask why the knight doesnt look like anything in the chess piece

changed that cat magician design because it was ODDLY similar to magicat also the first design was bad and unoriginal edit: ops hi, i edited a little bit so the first is what will be used and the last will be probably unused(?)

what you guys think about the new game name might change to dream instead of dreamer

ok i hope this is the last thing for this month but basically, you know that there is this thing that if someone die they become a star? this is my plan: instead of turning into dust, they become a star

tall grass!!!! just like how it works in pokémon, monster might attack you if you go to the tall grass edit: bro i forgot its pride month, happy pride month!!!