One Night at Dino's

3 years ago

ONaD Daily Devlog #3

After like 4 days of messing with the difficulty and adding new features I finally made the night beatable. The main problem however was that I was insanely low on power when I beat it so I decided to add a new feature (this is for main mode only): The Reserve Power Button. This button which can be found in the backstage cam contains 25 reserve power that can be used in case you're low on power. Clicking and holding the button transfers the reserve power to your power. Only use it when you need it because if you just use it all up you might be screwed. Anyways, still working on getting the special hard mode features done ;) and I'm still expecting the update to release on Friday-Saturday.



Next up

I'm trying to keep it low with the teaser images so I don't spoil too much of the game so this is all I'm allowed to show right now

ONaD Devlog #5 and 1.2.2 Update

One Night at Dino's Not So Daily Devlog #??? (1.4.0beta)

ONaD 1.5 The Final Update


FNaSC 1 Stage vs FNaSC 1 Remastered Stage

ONaD Daily Devlog #2 (Hope you like the abandoned office skin I made.)

Coming Soon :)