Cabin Fever 2: The End

4 months ago

Peach has come in a hurry to warn us about a dangerous predicament: CABIN FEVER 2: THE END HAS REACHED 100% COMPLETION AND SOON BETA TESTING WILL BEGIN.



Next up

Quick gameplay screenshot of the game or smth, still a work in progress.

Preview of the full game's Main Menu!

Don't have much else to show until the game is near release ready. Speaking of that, The End is at it's final few beta testing phases, we shouldn't have to wait much longer! (also happy 2/23/2023)

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.

The FNaW Team is back with a rebrand. All information in the article.

The FULL OST for Cabin Fever 2: The End has been uploaded to YouTube! Go and listen to your favorite tracks!…

#fnaw #music #fnaf

i got my time machine back