realmente siempre he soñado con llegar a esta meta, y no solo eso, tambien seguir creciendo, me propuse cada dia mejorar, no solo como artista, sino tambien como persona, quiero agradecer a todas esas personas que se tomaron el tiempo para hacerme fanarts, de verdad las aprecio mucho, en especial a @-NeoBit- por enseñarme como hacer pixel arts:
I have really always dreamed of reaching this goal, and not only that, but also to continue growing, I set out to improve every day, not only as an artist, but also as a person, I want to thank all those people who took the time to make me fanarts, I really appreciate you very much, especially @-NeoBit- for teaching me how to make pixel arts:

Realmente gracias por todo el apoyo los quiero!!
Really thanks for all the support I love you!!