AGONY - Chapter 2
4 months ago

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New thumbnail made by @Joaopedrovilas

This shot goes so hard for some reason

Working on the bossfight now! I will have to take a break for summer camps soon, but I will get back on development in the fall and release the game by this October, hopefully. Stay tuned, and follow the gamepage. We're almost at 50!

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

Gameplay screenshot yippee!

New Thumbnail!

Thanks everyone for the patience! The game has been fixed and re-released! Please let me know if there are any issues we missed.

Merry Christmas!

Winner (counting discord poll): Video of me defending against Oswald

The gameplay instructions for one out of the seven gameplay loops this game will have to offer.

In terms of progress, 4 of the 7 loops are done and the fifth one is being worked on. Follow the game to keep posted!