3 years ago

Ponatina's Air form! 🌪️

One of the fastest pegasi in the entire Pinto region! 🦅

Rumor has it, she can summon a subtle gust of wind to make her hair look cool flowing in the breeze. 🌺



Next up

The 5 month crunch rush is over, aaaannnd... the game's still not done. In short, we're 1 meetup away from having a Beta build. But that meetup won't be until June 15th because the entire team has personal life stuff to deal with. https://www.patreon.com/posts/progress-report-105518340

Working on the special effects for moves in #BattleGemPonies. Should feel more... Explosive

Working on battle scene backgrounds for #BattleGemPonies this weekend. We sure can get a lot of mileage out of minor alterations like color changes or layer swapouts.

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

I've got a few ideas...

heres a short tutorial that i made to help you guys animate rain! Its suuupper simple :D

Watertop palette swaps Been working on prettifying the battle scene backgrounds this week.

Graphics are so impressive these days


Graphics are so impressive these days