Monochrome Wanderland
9 years ago

Post Jam Thoughts

Hey! It’s been a few days since #clonejamkitty ended, and it was really fun. No really! I mean, yeah it was last minute and all that but still very fun. You should join a future one.

I’m really proud of how this game turned out despite me spending only about uhhh… lets say 6 hours on it. It’s rough around the edges (Lets be honest — that game over skelly is no gud) but overall it turned out nicely imo. It’s been getting mostly Perfecto! and Good ratings, so thank you for rating <3 I love reading comments to so just drop a short or long one, all comments are welcome.

I don’t know if I will make a post-jam update to the game. I kinda like the state it’s in, but I do want to add in other features that I ran out of time to add. Things like:

  • different enemies

  • a larger map/more maps

  • a better story

  • better art :P

  • trophies and a highscore board

  • visual & sound FX

  • easter eggs

but I’m lazy now that the jam is over so idk…

Thanks for the read, see ya!



Next up

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

"Our work is never over" they said.

Just a Pico sprite

What you all think

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

The whole squad is here!

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