Practicing concept art with the Anomalies 1 protagonist!
Next up
Holiday Quest is a small 3D Platformer about a snowman trying to save christmas!!
No need to wishlist, because its out NOW! And for FREE!
Whats a platformer without [BOUNCEPAD!!!]s?
Trampo Launchers are our custom home made[BOUNCEPAD!!!]s that arent automated!
Which means you can escape their bouncyness if you move away from them ANY time, even in the middle of a bounce path!
Sorry for the lack of posts, I felt it was better to only post when I actually make progress!
Had to rewrite the movement AGAIN to fix jumping!
Almost done now, just need to fix ground detection and polish it all up! Then the player controller is done!
Have a spooky #bcanomalies illustration!
Been cooking today!
My quest for a jump button in O3DE continued, and it went about as great as usual.. 💀
Its seems like experimentation is the way to go, but it will take a while..
Been working hard on an environment mostly intended for the animation project! The assets will probally be reused for Project Byte!
All of this is WIP!! #animation #blender3D #gamedev #BCSyncergy
I have been working really hard on this guys, am I cooking??