See the video version of this post HERE

Hello everyone, the swack is back once again. And I'm back with brand new DEVLOG SERIES! In this one I'll be showcasing all the Cool and Good stuff I've been working on. First of all, I'll start with less interesting stuff, and then we'll move onto the REAL DEAL!

All enemy behavior has been remade completely from ground up. Using this new system, enemies can detect a lot better whenever they need to attack DynamiteHead, or back off a bit. Pictured above is one of the new features included with this enemy rewrite: Having multiple HP bars visible on screen.

That's right! What you're seeing above is the new and improved stage entrance animation. Since DynamiteHead is a bounty hunter, I believe having a wanted poster like this at the start suits his character very well.
What's a beat-em-up without some good combat features? DynamiteHead can now kick things with even more style than before. WATCH IT!

Or, if you want things to be even more chaotic than ever, COMBO ENEMIES all around the screen!!

Though, something like this has to come with a set of rules. If you want to keep combo'ing a fallen enemy, crouch (or slide) into them. Juggling is being done with an uppercut, you'll be able to do that when the enemy you want to juggle is above you. Doing an air KO on an enemy sends them straight down.
Chain those together, and getting rid of badheads is gonna be a breeze.
Speaking of badheads, they've recently got a makeover in form of different variations. Each one will have two new variants.

Here's an image with all of them neatly placed together.
New animations? Yeah. We've got some

When you're low on HP, this animation will play out if you're idle.
Aaand that's a WRAP! Make sure to follow this game's progress on bluesky. I post there semi-frequently (usually when there's something new to show). And stay tuned for even MORE cool changes. Maybe even... groovy changes.
tags: #devlog #dynamitehead #gamemaker #beatemup #2d #cartoon