Slaughter Horse 2 (aka Pinkamena 2)

3 years ago

Progress report 2...

As SH2 is basically a role-playing deduction game, it leans more on text than graphics and murdering cute ponies is the highlight of your day! The description of the murders is created randomly from a pool of three elements (entry, discovery and murder) which results in the sort of thing as pictured. Pretty nasty, but with a name like 'Sunset Horse' she probably had it coming.

At this point, the basics are all in place. You can use Gummi and the gossip in your Confectionary shop to piece together which ponies live where and what they do, then proceed to bump them off. The next stage is to actually start programming some AI for the Town Leaders so those poor ponies stand at least a ghost of a chance against you.

As Pinkamena, when you go out to murder you're essentially an unstoppable force. However, the plan is at the start of the game you assign 'luck' points from a pool to yourself, your Disciple and Gummi. The more luck you give Gummi and the Disciple, the more helpful they can be but the trade-off is less luck for yourself. As an example, one of the Town Leaders is a minor royal, and if things start getting too hairy she will call in a favour and two Royal Guard ponies will randomly protect houses. If you attack one of those houses, with good luck you'll spot the guard and steal away, thwarted but without arousing suspicion. Bad luck and they'll see you, ordering you away and adding to your suspicion level. Really bad luck means they'll catch you actually trying to break in which will be a huge hit to your suspicion and possibly lead to you getting strung up! The only way to get rid of these dudes will be to locate and slay the Princess at which they'll leave.

Let's hope luck is on your side!

#mlp #mylittlepony #horror

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Next up

Slaughter Horse 2 now listed as coming soon on Steam. If you had a mind to put it on your wishlist, that would be smashing - wishlisting games helps them succeed more than you realise! Store page is over at: Cheers!

A look at making cakes in Slaughter Horse 2.

Slaughter Horse 2: Saturday Update


Check out the @JoeyDrewStudios SHOP and treat yo self to Bendy and the Ink Machine sticker pack, avatar frames and background!

Thursday Update

We just added animated, amphibious collectables by @ErbMaster to the Shop!

Plus, they're joined by our animated Horror and Malibu packs!

Pick them up in the Shop or check the article to learn more. 🔽

Progress report 3...

Saturday update

Surprise Game Release! While we take a moment away from our little mouse for a week, we thought it would be fun to write, develop and release a short horror experience - Episode 666 is out now on GameJolt

Screenshot Saturday for Slaughter Horse 2