Hey, you didn't think we'd be done with making these now, did you?
Since we've released the demo (and subsequently been patching out undiscovered issues people have been finding), we've already gotten to work on the next area, Starlight Isles.
We're making really good progress, too!
In this devlog, we're going to be giving some updates on things we discussed in our previous devlog, and briefly touching on our plans for the future.
Without further ado, let's start!
Localization Support
Since we've seemingly patched out all of the noteworthy bugs people have reported, we're moving on to early public support for unofficial localization patches! You can find important information regarding how to make them, distribution rules, and a general FAQ here!
In addition to this, here's some updates on official localization patches:
An official French translation is currently in the works!
Our Russian translation is on hold indefinitely.
We hope to get working on Spanish and Portuguese translations soon, as we have multiple native-speaking team and community members for both of these languages.
Our plans for these may change as time goes along! Depending on the accuracy of certain unofficial translations, at some point we may contact the creator(s) as to whether or not they'd like them to be included as official patches.
Spep Mode
Those of you who played the demo, and named yourself something special, may have seen a neat little reference to something.
We're currently not prioritizing development on Spep Mode, but we plan on working on this as a post-launch DLC at some point in the future.
We've uploaded the demo soundtrack to our SoundCloud, with some extra tracks to come soon. We also still plan on uploading the soundtrack to our YouTube channel in the near future, complete with visuals.
Reminder: please DON'T reupload our soundtrack! We said this on release, and we've been getting a lot of people doing it regardless--including many without any credit to the people who made the songs.
We politely ask that if you find any channels reuploading our music, you politely inform them that we do not want our music reuploaded, and to take it down. Otherwise, we will not hesitate to move towards copyright takedowns. You do not own our music!
Chapters vs Full Release
We brought up this topic last time, and mentioned we've been weighing our options regarding what we'd like to do. Fortunately, we've come to a loose decision on something we think would work nicely in terms of:
Sustaining our audience
Avoiding burnout (ideally)
Giving ourselves a nice place to leave off in case we ever decide to stop the project (for sustainability reasons, etc.)
We'll be announcing this decision at a sooner-than-later date!
In the meantime, however, we'd like to let you know that SAVE files for the demo will work with later areas. If you have a SAVE file you'd like to backup for later use, please visit our troubleshooting page for instructions on how to find where they're located!
Developer Commentary Stream
I forgot about this in the last devlog! We've talked about doing this for a while, and though we don't have a solid date of any kind, we hope to do a developer commentary stream on YouTube at some point!
Post-Demo Character Designs
As we mentioned last time: since the demo is out, we'll be showing off the designs for the rest of our major characters! This includes (but is not limited to): Alphys, Undyne, Asriel, Sir Scratchalot, and Toriel.
We'd also like to give some insight on the characters themselves, and briefly discuss our non-spoiler plans for each area. Once again, everything is subject to change, so don't be surprised if the final product is different from what you'll see then!
(We plan on doing this in a video format if possible, so don't be surprised if this takes a while!)
TS!UNDERSWAP Scrapped Content
We're not sure when, but at some point we hope to compile a PDF of as much scrapped content / beta assets as possible from the demo's development (2016-2020). We'll probably miss some stuff, as there's quite a lot, but it'll be nice to show off the progression of assets from over the past 4 years--and how some things have actually been planned for a while!
Here's an example of what you're likely to see:

We'll also be posting earlier iterations of music tracks, whether they didn't make the cut or were eventually developed into one of the final projects. Again, we're not sure when!
As we're mainly focused on game development right now, some of this stuff might take a while. Rest assured, like the demo, it'll come at some point!
Which brings us to...
Starlight Isles & More
Alongside the development of the demo, we've been coming up with ideas and loose plans for all the way until the end of the game--this was so we wouldn't be jumping into future areas without any plans whatsoever.
At first, we planned on taking a slight break after the demo's release to recuperate, and focus on small things like bug fixes and Spep mode. However, we've been motivated to keep going, and have already gotten to work on:
Taking our ideas and developing a more concrete outline for the entire fan-game.
While developing these ideas more, we've scrapped some older stuff and come up with brand new things--it now flows a lot more organically, and gives us a much more realistic picture of what we'd like to do.
Writing out the script for Starlight Isles based on said outline.
Creating assets (art, music, etc.) for future areas, primarily Starlight Isles.
Coding brand-new game mechanics, including those not seen in UNDERTALE.
In terms of what we've gotten done for Starlight Isles:
Two SOUL modes from UNDERTALE have been successfully implemented.
Entirely new puzzle mechanics (not seen in UNDERTALE or DELTARUNE) have been added in-game, with multiple puzzles already added and functional.
New ITEMS and battle mechanics have been added in-game.
Sprites for brand new enemies have been made, and some touch-ups to existing sprites like those for Koffin-K.
7 music tracks are done, and more in the works! These include:
"Starlight Savior" by junnboi and Grassinio (part of the demo, but done!)
"PAPYRUS!!!" by jacksqrd and Trezzy (also part of the demo, but done!)
[dog bark] and [dogless bark...?] by jacksqrd (done!)
Koffin-K's new encounter and battle themes, "Count Koffin-K" and "Kountdown," by Squimpus (done!)
Sans's theme by LucasPucas (done!)
"Skeletal Showdown" by junnboi and Grassinio (almost done!)
Stardust Woods theme by ExtendoFun and junnboi (in-progress)
[shorter dog bark] (in-progress)
As much as we'd LOVE to show this stuff off right now, we can't just yet! We're going to wait until some things are more developed, and even then it'll be tiny previews (as to avoid spoilers).
Think of those demo teaser videos that we did! We hope to do things like that in the future.
UnderEvent 2021
Don't forget! March 13th, 2021 will be UnderEvent! In case you've forgotten, it's an unofficial presentation of UNDERTALE fangames, meant to celebrate this community's creative talents. TS!UNDERSWAP will have its own short presentation, where we'll discuss our 4-year development history of the demo, and spill some of our future plans at the very end!
Make sure to go and give UnderEvent a subscribe/follow, and stay tuned for more!
And with that, the devlog is done!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us for all this time, and everyone who's enjoyed the demo! We can't express just how happy we are that something we made was able to encapsulate what made UNDERTALE special for people, and has brought people joy at the end of a terrible year. We hope that what we have in store will be fun for you guys, too.
Until next time. Happy 2021, everyone!
- Beethovenus and Team Switched